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Brappy Hour

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Brappy Hour

  1. Brappy Hour

    Slack Not You!

    Looks like you caught some mighty fine FAIL in your net today Ms. Senjo.
  2. You have been visiting my profile recently.

    I was wondering if you needed any of my services.

  3. Can I help you with something? =)

  4. Perhaps, but it's my natural laugh that freaks people out.
  5. I have an evil creepy laugh. Ask whoever has played a current game with me. Cheerio!
  6. I don't know what I did, but thank you very much ~MatoroIgnika~. :blush:Link:blush:
  7. Well. That's what they called me.
  8. Just got back today. If you don't know, a Klondike Derby is when different Boy Scout troops come together and compete to see who has the greatest skills. I was a staff member again this year. A Field Marshal actually. And did other objectives to help the competition run smoothly. A patrol in my troop won first prize this year. Which is great! My troop also won the Troop Challenge. But it was freezing on Grandfather Mountain, and snowy, and windy!
  9. Can't wait for another fantastic design from you!
  10. You can't imagine how happy that makes me. It's great to hear people like my shirts!
  11. Hello fellow BZP members. You may remember from a few months ago I made BZP T-shirts for BrickFair for members to wear and enjoy. (still have some left btw). However. Did you ever wonder, could there be more BZP T-shirts? With new designs, and in various sizes and in abundant supply? Wells here's where you can voice you opinion. I have been presented an opportunity to make shirts with my own equipment that I can acquire. But I won't agree to the offer unless I can have a mass market. Would anyone be interested in buying BZP T-shirts with new designs and in different colors? Hopefully I'll be able to make shirts for BrickFair next year as well, but wouldn't it be fun to wear a different BZP shirt everyday?! Please leave a comment with your thoughts, and let others know! BZP shirts need your help to return!
  12. Giant Bird This random creature flew into the series in Godzilla vs. The Sea Monster. Special powers? You're seriously not going to ask that question are you? It's a bird! It's not Rodan or Varan. It's just a GIANT CONDOR. What did it do? Well it pecked at Godzillas face for about a minute, then proceeded to get roasted by atomic breath. (What did you expect?) Not only is this the worst monster in the series, it's also the worst monster fight in the series. The camera angles were awful, and it ended as fast as it started. As James Rolfe put it. "Should have been The Giant Claw." Link That's it for this top ten list. I hope you enjoyed it. I apologize if you didn't agree with some of my choices, and have a great Halloween.
  13. Brappy Hour

    #2 Minilla

    Minilla Minilla was hatched in Son of Godzilla, and appeared in others Godzilla movies. Including a re-vamp in Final Wars. His abilities are blowing smoke rings and whining like a donkey. Sooooo. Why do I dislike Minilla? Well, not only do I think Godzilla didn't need a son, but not a deformed Barnie The Dinosaur looking one. He didn't even fight very well most of the time. Plus. How do they even know if it's Godzillas actual son? He's a male. He couldn't have laid eggs, and there isn't really any other Godzillas to... um.. you know. :blush: If you want to see a good example of Godzilla offspring, watch the 90's series and enjoy Godzilla Jr.
  14. Brappy Hour

    #3 Gabara

    Gabara Gabara reared his ugly mug in Godzillas Revenge / or All Monsters Attack. Gabara is a.... aahhhh... I guess he's like a humanoid cat? His powers are that he can make electricity come out of his fists. With the last few monsters I gave them a hard time on their lack of creativity. But with Gabara, it's like they went off the deep end. I've seen monsters from Power Rangers that look better. Plus he has one of the most annoying roars ever. Anyway. He's one of the worst monsters ever from the worst Godzilla movie ever.
  15. Brappy Hour

    #4 Ebirah

    Ebirah Ebirah swam out of the ocean in Godzilla vs. The Sea Monster, and returned in Final Wars. As you can see, Ebirah is a GIANT LOBSTER..... Other than that my biggest complaint is, when I thought of Godzilla vs. The Sea Monster. I expected an interesting monster with tentacles or a shark monster. Not a giant lobster. On a side note. Just because these monsters are on the list, doesn't mean I hate them. I like Kamacuras, and Kumonga is cool to. But just think of all the other interesting and cool monsters Toho could have created, instead of super-sizing animals.
  16. Brappy Hour

    #9 Hedorah

    So does the the monster in your avatar, but he's only in a game.
  17. Brappy Hour

    #5 Kumonga

    Don't worry. She's alright. I'd put her at 11, or 12.
  18. Sadly yes. But Mothra's a little better, and more interesting. It's giant anythings with Toho.
  19. Brappy Hour

    #5 Kumonga

    Kumonga Kumonga was also in Son of Godzilla, as well as being re-vamped in Final Wars. But he was also in Destroy All Monsters. He shoots webs, and that's it.... Just like Kamacurus he's on the fail scale because he's just a GIANT SPIDER. So there's not much else to say. All we need now is some GIANT GRASSHOPPERS, and we can have a giant insect food web. (Don't worry, there aren't any.)
  20. Kamacuras Kamacuras flew into the scene in Son of Godzilla, and was re-vamped in Godzilla Final Wars. He can use camouflage and fly at super fast speeds. What's wrong with this monster? He's a GIANT MANTIS. That's it. A giant bug. It doesn't take too much creativity to super-size a bug. And seriously. If you never saw these movies, would you even believe that Godzilla fought a giant bug? It doesn't matter if Kamacurus is cool. It's lack of creativity.
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