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Brappy Hour

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Brappy Hour

  1. Thank you! I wear my flaming helmet sometimes too.
  2. First Look Used this for campaign and beginning of multiplayer. Seconed Look Used this for the later majority of time I've played. Current Look Finally got my favorite helmet back. So glad it made it into Reach. Took a while to rank up, but the journey was fun and the reward is worth it. Now to work toward a gold visor. I hope everyone is having as much fun as I am!
  3. Choose your path. Bionicle Legends Professional athlete. Fantastic artist.
  4. Brappy Hour


    "Don't get cheap on me Dodgson."
  5. Brappy Hour


    "What are trying to look like, a secret agent?"
  6. Brappy Hour


    "You shouldn't use my name....." "Dodgson! Dodgson! We've got Dodgson here!" "See nobody cares."
  7. Thank you. That means a lot. :blush:
  8. Our council is having it's camporee soon.
  9. I'd say a fair amount large.
  10. Always a pleasure good sir!

  11. Good Day to you Mr. SPIRIT! =)

  12. I got back from my Vigil ordeal today, and now I'm an fellow member of the group. Clicky The Indian name I was bestowed with. "Silent Helper". It's such an honor. I'm so grateful that I was recognized by my fellow brothers. I hope to continue my service to my lodge next year. When I'm in charge of Quest Events at my Dixie Fellowship.
  13. Everyone's in the same boat for some crazy reason.
  14. I sure am! I'm so excited! I'm getting Legendary edition and all the fancy armor at GameStop. But due to my busy schedule this week. I'm not sure I'll get to play it much. I won't be able to play this weekend either, because I'm going to my Scout camp for my Vigil honor ordeal. I don't want to hear or see any spoilers. So if I'm on Live, I won't be joining any gamer parties until I'm done with campaign. Anyway. I hope you're excited as I am, and that you enjoy Halo Reach! Oh yeah! Reach Figures! Spartan V Elite Elite Ultra
  15. Oh dear. It's flattering that you sat that. :blush: You do a great amount of service here. Helping answer people's questions and offering advice.
  16. I'll be waiting. btw- do you have any funny quotes from me? XP
  17. Worst Brickmaster issue ever. All it consisted of was pages of instructions on how to build random models like ships and cars. Plus it had a really weird combiner for Hero Factory. Not appealing to the eye. Oh yeah, and some building contests and an article about New York. It didn't even have the Hero Factory comic! Nothing! Luckily I found a normal edition of LEGO magazine at my local toy store for free! It had everything, and was way better than the current Brickmaster. Much better. What a load of Rubbish. :angry:
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