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Brappy Hour

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Brappy Hour

  1. Rubbish. I bet you'll get the next promotion.
  2. "It's to leave you behind I be wantin!" "You can't", said the Brakevan. "I'm essential." "Auk Aye!" Donald burst out. "You're nothin but a screech an a noise when all said an done! Spite Doggie would you! Take that!" "Oh Oh Oh!" Cried the Van. "There's more commin, Should you misbehave!" The Van behaved better after that!
  3. Brappy Hour

    Free Lunch

    You're an honor student too?! You're so important Senjo!
  4. Well. You are Nuju Metru. Why not build some Crystal Ice Towers of study?
  5. Are you alright EW? =(

  6. I always depicted you from your personal pic.
  7. Brappy Hour


    Can't say that I've heard of it.
  8. No. I can't make anymore for now, and I'm not going to either of those conventions. My apologies.
  9. "Tacking them with ease'll, "Show the world what I can do,"Gaily boasts the Diesel. In and out he creeps about, Like a big black weasel. When he pulls the wrong trucks out – Pop goes the Diesel!"
  10. I saw that it was your Bday on DA, but I wasn't sure if it was true!
  11. B6 Thinks I'm cool. :blush:
  12. The secret to your famous dinner revealed!
  13. I have that Toa Nuva poster on my wall too! =D
  14. Please send you request through PM.
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