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Brappy Hour

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Brappy Hour

  1. Brappy Hour


    Drat. I'm going on Saturday.
  2. Brappy Hour


    Money money money money..... MONEY!
  3. Alright. Sounds fun. I gotta make a list of what to bring.
  4. Brappy Hour

    P D X

    I can bring some bricks if you really need em.
  5. Yeah. What exactly should I do there? I it's going to be about 8 hrs of LEGO fun, but is there that many thing to do? Could I just stay at the Bionicle table and distribute BZP shirts, or would I overstay my welcome? I need advice! If you've been to BrickFair before, please help me.
  6. Yeah. I was wondering if I should bring some stuff to trade/sell at BrickFair (other than the shirts). Just for the sake of getting rid of stuff and making space. I could bring masks and sets. Maybe some other goodies I've never told anyone about. I just hope I can fit it all in Dad's truck. So check out my trading post! If you see anything there you like, let me know and I'll bring it for ya.
  7. I've been preparing the shirts for BrickFair next week. Labeling the ones that were pre-ordered with the names of members who asked for them. As well as throwing wrinkled ones in the dryer. It seems I'm already out of Staff Large and Faded Large. (Sorry for those who decided not to pre-order) Anyway. I hope to make everyone happy cheery when they get their own shirt and spread the awesomeness of BZP. *fingers crossed*
  8. It's cool and all. But there's like a billion sets now. Too many minifigs and accessories to keep up with. That's a major turn off to me.
  9. MegaBloks seriously needs to chill out with the Halo stuff. It's ridiculous.
  10. Crabs that is. I made some for BrickFair for fun from spare parts. Are they alright? Clicky
  11. Brappy Hour


    It's okay Jack. It's okay.
  12. Brappy Hour


    Alright. I'll need to some more requests first.
  13. Brappy Hour

    Sorry Lego

    Yeah. With the Gold Ignika.
  14. Brappy Hour

    Sorry Lego

    It was only sold at ToyRus and LEGO.com.
  15. Brappy Hour


    Just about finished. Pic 1 Pic 2 Should I bring it with me? I'd give the original creator credit of course. I was just wondering if other people wanted to see it. I also made some custom colored Ussal Crabs. I'll post pics of them tomorrow.
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