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Brappy Hour

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Brappy Hour

  1. EW said that we could sell them at the table, but not advertise them. But if it's going to be a problem..... I won't know what I'll do then.
  2. Thank goodness for DVRs. I used to wake up a 6:00 am to watch Street Sharks.
  3. Hello everyone. I need some help about what I should do at BrickFair. My biggest concern is where I should put my shirts if I'm going to sell them there. Is BZP going to have it's own place there, and would it be a bother for me to set up shop there? I'm just nervous that I'll make a bad first impression. Since I'll be seeing so many important BZP members. So so so nervous! Other Questions: 1. Should I bring any sets? 2. Can I bring certain items for trade? 3. If I brought a video camera would anyone like to use it? That's about all I can think of for now. P.S. If Black Six lets me. I volunteer to buy a set for them to review. Like the Furno Bike of the Drop Ship. If I get it back when they're done. Oh and Pics of Hero Factory Baddies! Corroder Xplode Thunder Meltdown
  4. You guessed right. I was able to get Corroder and Meltdown today. I'm definitely not liking the sets of stickers you have to put on them. It also seems that they all have the same torso. Not that it's bad, but it just got a bit tiring. We had a dozen different torsos from 2009. Also, their only main weapons are their "Comet Blasters". It seems though that Thunder has a weapon function. Which is just opening and closing his hand. I'm wondering why Xplode is the only villain to have hands. The rest have those blocky things that you can attach different things to make a weapon or a part of armor. Lots of the same leg builds and arms are present as well. The Ben 10 leg joints are there as well as the new parts that of course make their debut with Hero Factory. When you look at them. They look pretty small compared to last years sets. I think it was a terrible thing of LEGO to do to make the boxes huge so you wouldn't think twice on spending $13 for a build-able action figure. But it's advertising and business. Blah blah blah. Anyway. They were fun to build, even though each cost $13. Geez. What I'm hoping to try is a Hero or the Limited Edition set with Duncan Bulk and Vapor. Dang it. I still need to make a BrickFair entry.
  5. Brappy Hour

    Windows 7

    What certain game?
  6. Yes. On my visit to a Super Walmart out of town. I found the four main villains from Hero Factory. For some reason they didn't have anything else. I only had enough to buy two. So I bought Xplode and Thunder. For some reason the boxes are very large, but the sets are about the size of a regular Bionicle canister set. Other than that, the sets were fun to build. I like the colors and the designs of the parts and helmets. Though I don't think I liked putting Thunder's stickers on so much. Anyway. I enjoyed building these sets very much. So I think I'll try the Heroes next and see how they hold up.
  7. Brappy Hour


    Not if you're stuck under my tire. >=P
  8. Brappy Hour


    Drat. It seems I made the text the wrong color.
  9. Brappy Hour


    I got Friday and Saturday off! I can finally rest. Play some games, and cash the paycheck I got today. Also going to hang out with my dad before he goes away to be the Scout Master for the 2010 Boy Scout National Jamboree. I'm definitely going to need to make a blog about BrickFair! I'm so nervous!
  10. Brappy Hour


    Awww. Do you still want me to send a letter? Or will it not get there in time? Hooray! You're a Hero Maddison Swift! It should get here in time, and I would gladly appreciate it. Yep! -Nukaya
  11. Brappy Hour

    So Tired

    I'm not too sure.
  12. Brappy Hour


    Sounds good to me. B)
  13. Brappy Hour


    When are you leaving camp? It should be the second of August, according to my and everyone else who's working their's calculations. But, none of our uppers have confirmed this, but there is no way possible for me to stay and leave the 3rd, because that's when I get on a plane to the East Coast. -Nukaya
  14. Brappy Hour

    So Tired

    I've been working at the cafeteria at the music camp in my town for a few weeks now, but I've been really busy lately. Which leaves me with hardly any free time. It's not that it's a bad job. It's great, but it is a lot of hard work. Which means I'm dreadfully tired as well. I haven't played on Xbox Live for a few days, haven't been to anywhere, haven't even watched T.V. All I have time for is using my laptop in my room, because I'm so tired it's the least I can do. At least I got the time off for BrickFair. I need to make an entry with questions about it soon............zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  15. A is for Apples! B for Bananas!
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