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Brappy Hour

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Brappy Hour

  1. Well here's the shirt I made for myself. I know I'm not staff, my apologies. However this shirt was the perfect size for my current stature, and blah blah blah blah. But I added a little something I thought would differentiate myself from staff as well as give a hint to everyone who I am. Front Back Closer Look I got that image from another screen that was about to be wiped clean. So I used it one last time. What do you think?
  2. Scout is way better. Plus Autobots almost always win.

  3. So you fear ground offense? >=P

  4. Eh. No biggie!

  5. Brappy Hour

    Almost Done

    Perhaps tomorrow. I'm not on much at night.
  6. Brappy Hour

    Almost Done

    High School Graduation is tomorrow. Just in time for a weekend full of celebrations. Followed a week later by a new summer job! Need money for BrickFair and other Bionicle stuff. Oh yeah, and for the future too. Please let me know if you're still interested in reserving a BZP shirt. It helps a great deal.
  7. That's interesting. I'm graduating on Friday. Congrats on making it back home!
  8. If you would like to pay shipping. Then I suppose I could consider online order.
  9. My business partner EW spoke to me earlier this afternoon and made a suggestion. B) So I've made a revision to the shirt ordering. Shirts can be pre-ordered, but you can't receive them until BrickFair. The only way you can reserve a shirt is if you pay the cost for one, and then pick it up when you arrive at the convention. So that everyone who is at the convention has a chance to get one. Does that sound fair to everyone?
  10. Finally counted up all the shirts I have. Here's what you can choose from. Normal BZP shirt: Picture 8 Small 10 Medium 9 Large BZP Faded Edition: Picture 1 Small - Is in really bad shape 5 Medium 4 Large 4 XLarge The BZP Staff Edition: Picture 8 Small 8 Medium 3 Large 5 XLarge If you're going to BrickFair, and would like a BZP t-shirt. You can buy it in two different was. You can pre-order online, and have your shirt reserved for you at BrickFair. Or you can wait until BrickFair. Prices: Price at BrickFair - $5 How to order: Send this order form through PM to me. Name Shirt Type, Shirt Size Form of payment There you are. If you have any questions or suggestions, just ask.
  11. Yup. On my last day of school I was making more shirts as well as dry the faded ones... Lets see... I have.... Picture 8 Smalls I think over 5 mediums 2 or 3 Larges 5 XLs So if you're BZP Staff and you want to buy your shirt for BrickFair. Let me know. More detailed list tommorow.
  12. It says how I did it in the blog silly.
  13. Since I'm a senior at my high school. I was able to paint on a spot on the wall in my graphics class. Guess what I painted? Picture B) I painted it using a stencil I printed and cut with an exacto-knife. That means it took a long time. (Oh Noes! My identity has been revealed even further!)
  14. This must be the most positive fail ever than.
  15. Hello everyone. I'm writing to show you all how I made the BZP shirts I'll be selling soon. I've divided them into steps so no one will get confused. Step One: Place your screen on the holder that you will be using to print the paint on the shirt. Picture Step Two: Place your shirt on the shirt holder, be sure that the shirt is completely smooth and have no wrinkles when placed on the base. So to prevent misprinting of the t-shirts. I of course I made this mistake a few time, but it's not really noticeable. Picture Step Three: Place the screen on top of the shirt and put paint on the screen. Picture Step Four: Spread the paint across the screen fairly, covering up the hole image. Then use the squeegee to press hard and down on the screen about two or three times. Picture Step Five: Lift the screen and inspect the shirt you just printed on. Picture Step Six: Dry your shirt in the belt heater at 315 degrees about four to six times. Picture Step Seven: Wear and enjoy! Picture
  16. Brappy Hour

    Hey Guys!

    Good to see you again.
  17. It's darkish green, and we use a heater with a belt. So it goes through the heater.
  18. Hello everyone. It seems my little shirt operation hit a snag today. I finished printing all of the shirts, but later when I washed them in the school washer, a lot of shirts lost paint and became faded. Thankfully I kept another load of them. So not all of them are ruined. Apparently some of the shirts had not been heated all the way, so the paint did not stick and came off in the washer. I was so mad and disappointed. But I made sure to re-heat the ones that weren't ruined, so that they wouldn't fall to the same fate. I feel the most awful that I won't be able to get as many shirts out to those who want them as I wanted, and the whole size of XL was lost. But I have a plan, and a surprise. Shirts for sale are now categorized in this manner: Normal BZP shirt: Picture 9 Small 9 Medium 9 Large BZP Faded Edition: These shirts will be heated again and sold to those who like it's design, but no two faded shirts are the same. Picture The inventory of these shirts will be posted when available. And Introducing....... The BZP Staff Edition!: Picture Only four shirts were made today, and I'm not too sure if I can make more. 1 Small 3 Medium That's all for now. Let me know what you think.
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