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Brappy Hour

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Brappy Hour

  1. Brappy Hour

    After Him!

    "We must not let it escape!" Another Halo animation. Please enjoy.
  2. You play PS3! Not 360! >=o

    lol. jk

  3. Good vibes equals good grades. ^_^

  4. Brappy Hour

    Save Me

    Then all you'll need to do is work your way up to master reporter. B)
  5. Brappy Hour

    Odd Man Out

    I feel right writing for some reason lately. So why not express my opinion tonight? Now that Bionicle has ended. Many fans or collectors are directing their attention to other LEGO products, mostly Bionicle's replacement Hero Factory. Some others (like me), are even buying items that aren't even LEGO products at all. A lot of times I'm asked if I'll buy the Hero Factory sets. My reply is no, on the basis that it isn't Bionicle and that there isn't a point in buying them if they have nothing to do with Bionicle. The response from others is "You're stubborn and have no taste. They're made just like Bionicle sets so you should give them a chance". So that's the reason? Because they look like Bionicle sets and even are made of the same parts I should instantly take interest? I don't really see the point in that. It seems even weirder that people are jumping on the HF bandwagon just for this reason alone without even a thought. I guess you could lie to yourself and think it's Bionicle In the Future if you're that much in denial. Anyway, I don't hate Hero Factory. I just don't see why I should like it. By all means if you enjoy it please love it until your hearts content, but I'll pass.
  6. Brappy Hour

    Senior Prom

    I don't think so. lol.
  7. Brappy Hour

    Senior Prom

    Yup. Just came back from my Senior Prom. Danced, socialized, and dipped food in the chocolate fountain. Went by myself of course. Mainly cause a lack of popularity, as well as the love of my life not being able to join me. But I had a great time. I'm glad I went. It turned out much better than I had hoped, and now I'm waiting for friend(s) to come over for an after Prom party. I hope everyone enjoyed their Friday as well.
  8. I'll try to edit it on Monday.
  9. I went to my graphics class today and tested to see how the design would workout. It looks real good, but sadly the design seems to be too large to fit on any screen they have. So to make the Kanohi and BZPower images more larger to be visible, I'm going to have to cut off parts of the stripes. If this annoys or dissatisfies anyone. I need to know before tomorrow morning. Sorry again, but that's life for ya. The trickster.
  10. Alright. Just wanted to show everyone the final design that was decided for this years BZP t-shirts. Click I'm thinking of adding something to the back as well. Don't forget though, that these shirts will be screen printed by hand. Congrats to Chunky for winning BTW.
  11. I guess. Perhaps they will lower it's battery or power.
  12. Is it too powerful you mean?
  13. Made another animation! This time shorter, but with blur affects! I'm adding affects to my first animation as well. Of course credit once again goes to InnerRayg for the sprites. The Reach Beta is Fantastic by the way. Lots of changes, and lots of fun to be had.
  14. Brappy Hour

    Game Over

    Senjo! We should play together!
  15. Awww. We won't get to see pics of you destroying the competition? Well, maybe not destroying the competition....but pictures would be nice. -Nukaya
  16. Brappy Hour

    Drop Off.

    In celebration of the Halo Reach Beta tomorrow. I decided to finally share this animation I made. There are some mistakes, but whateva. Halo Sprites made by InnerRayg.
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