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Master Reidak

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About Master Reidak

  • Birthday 10/25/1991

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    Prepare for boredom.<br /><br />Music: I'm a metalhead. I listen to nearly any metal except death metal, or those bands that just continually growl/yell in impossibly low tones into the microphone. On the contrary, I love the screeching vocals of Dani Filth (leadsinger of Cradle of Filth), and Black Metal bands such as Paradise Lost, Lord Belial and The Kovenant. I'll also listen to Machine Head, Slayer, NOFX, Dragonforce and Disturbed (to name a few). I also own a fair few Rap CDs.<br /><br />Movies and TV: I like watching comedies. Baron Sacha Cohen is a favourite (did I spell his name right?), aka Ali G, Borat, Bruno. I like watching Blackadder and Black Books, as well as Scrubs and Family Guy. Shaun of the Dead is a funny movie. Science Fiction is ok, but I can't stand Star Trek.<br /><br />Sport: I don't play sport, but I exercise, weight-lift and go to Muay Thai lessons around 3 times a week. Like keeping a good body for the ladies, you know? <br /><br />Food: I hate all those fast food places! You know, KFC, McDonalds, etc. I'm not a food critic or anything, so not much to say here. I turn down a lot of things, though. Fussy eater. I also refuse desserts half the time. Don't wanna get fat :P. I think I have, like, a fear of getting fat... But I'm not ultra-thin either.<br /><br />Hobbies: Playing the PS3 occasionally, MSN, see Sport. Runescape is taking up a bit more of my time these days. Also hanging out with some mates is great every so often. Outside school, I mean.<br /><br />School: No, school is NOT one of my interests, but I'll mention it anyway. I'm currently in year 12. My five subjects are English, Maths, Business Management, International Studies and VCD (Drawing, basically). Since I have only five subjects, I get 5 periods a week off. I think my double free is Thursday afternoon, so Thursday is a short day :P. English and Maths are bland, and BusMan especially, but VCD and International are interesting. Not necessarily the subject, but the people in it.<br /><br />That's all I can think of saying. I updated this on the 4th of January, '09. I leave you with this message: NEVER, under ANY circumstances take a laxitive and a sleeping pill on the same night!

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