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Jedi Gali

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Status Updates posted by Jedi Gali

  1. Hi, sorry for not responding sooner. Yeah, no problem. I'll review it. ;) Matter of fact, I've already read it.


  2. Yes, I had a great Thanksgiving. And the food was delicious as always.

    Hmm. I didn't know you had ever read it... Thanks so much for the meaningful review!!! ^_^ Those are so hard to come by.


  3. Entry is up.

    Let's roll.


  4. Yayz, I added a new chapter! Took me only about two months. :P

    How've you been? Doing any writing? How was your Thanksgiving?


  5. Hiiii!!!

    How was your Thanksgiving?

    Oh, guess what? I finished memorizing!!!!! On to never ending practice!


  6. Hi!!! Indeed, it's been quite a while!

    I'm doin' good. I just added a new chapter to an epic.

    Heheh, I was confused when a saw a weird name at the top of my friends list. . .

    How've you been??


  7. Oh, that must be nice. My brother is home too. :)

    I want to do writing to. I'm hoping to finish a chapter of To Be or Not To Be today. . .


  8. Yeps, that I am. :D

    Though I am extremely tired since I worked today. . .

    You have any plans for break?


  9. Awesome!

    I'll be readin' it soon...


  10. What exactly is KotOR: MMO? Knights of the Old Republic. . . what?


  11. No problem. It's my job! :D

    Heh, thanks. Your PS is cool too.

    Again, when you update and want a review, don't hesitate to ask. :)


  12. 'Ello. I'm okay. I just have a cold. . .

    You gave it to me!! :P

    Whassup with you?


  13. So.



  14. Do I know you? :P

    Btw, you going to be in Miriku's epic?


  15. That I do! Both, in fact. I can't wait to see Narnia 2 again...



  16. I know you've been on a rampage in the ECC, but, can you let me do the Meta-Nui one? I've already read it but won't be able to review tonight...


  17. 'Ello. What tis up?


  18. Awesomeness!!! Thank you much!

    And I've done The Great Hunt. I'll probably do another tomorrow. ;)


  19. Shweeet!!! Wanna do a review trade? I'll do one of yours if you do 'Goodbye Forever' or 'Confessions of a Dark Hunter'. Whaddya say?


  20. Hey, Lev. I'm doin' pwetty good. Want to do some writing... (When am I not? :P)



  21. Hiya. I'll join the 'Toa of Dark Matter Welcome Club'! :D

    Have an amazing time! If you need help or have a question, drop me a comment. ;)


  22. Welcome to BZPower, Legomoe!! Have a great time here!! If you have questions, feel free to ask me!


  23. Meesa is done!!!! ;) (With the first)



  24. Happy Birthday!!!! :) Hope you had a good and blessed day!

    (Sorry for being late...)


  25. *Narrows eyes*

    Jeez, you post fast...


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