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Jedi Gali

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Status Updates posted by Jedi Gali

  1. Welcome to BZPower!! Hope you have a great time 'back'!


  2. :D I figured that. I tried saying it aloud and I'm like, yeah, that's based off my name.


  3. No problem! My pleasure.

    Methinks I figured out my cameo appearance. Was I Jeigi?

    Anything up with you?


  4. Hiiii, Miri!

    Not much, really, just want to work on an epic some and do some memorizing. ;)



  5. Thanks for the review!!! :)

    Btw, I 'know' your brother and he mentioned your stories to me. Just to let you know, I've reviewed the prodigal one. It's weird, I heard a different version of it last Sunday...


  6. :o

    . . . . .

    You're amazingly fast.

    And are you trying to make me feel slow?! I really need to get writing.


  7. So I take it you like to write?


  8. Shweet! I'm sorta busy now, but I'll be sure to check it out tomorrow. ;)


  9. *Shrugs*

    Oh by the way, thanks so much for the kind reply in my short story! :)


  10. Oh, okay, thanks. I'll go check 'em out. ;)


  11. You're welcome! I'm just glad it went well... Reviewing your poem was no problem. Thanks for commenting on my SS. :)


  12. I was really happy with how it went. You did really good. Thanks for participating!


  13. Indeed, it was. I was really happy with how it went. Great job. Some of your arguments were brutal. :D Thanks for participating!!! :)

    Btw, I posted a new SS yesterday in case you're interested.


  14. Were you the one who was in the CoT contest??


  15. It starts in ten minutes.


  16. Ooh, that'd be cool.

    I'm on my way to the poem topic now. ;)


  17. Uh, not really. I saw a tiny bit of the first episode but other than that, no. Why?


  18. Oh. Well, thanks. :) Nah, it's okay. I'm sure you know what it's like for random people to add you suddenly.

    Sure, will do. I saw that poem... looked pretty good.


  19. Embarrassed? What are you talking about???

    Nice. Wow, you must post a LOT. :D


  20. *Frowns* Yes, didn't you get mine?... Wait, did I reply? Eh, I'll go do that now.


  21. *Waves* Hiiiiii!



  22. Really? People are interested? :P Just to let you know, it'll probably be Wednesday evening, but that's not for sure.

    If you have ideas, PM them to me! I need thoughts! :D


  23. Waita sec. Wednesday at eight EST? Exo said that'd be better for. (better for me too)


  24. Sweeet! It'd be better for me too; I was just catering to you. ;) I'll ask Sorek.


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