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Jedi Gali

Premier Members
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Status Updates posted by Jedi Gali

  1. Pretty good. Yourself, Jedi Master?


  2. Would Wednesday at nine EST work for you, Exo? *whispers under breath* Please say yes, please say yes....



  3. I was going to PM you but no, I'm shooting for Wednesday at nine EST because Exo can't make it tonight. That work?


  4. Same here. If you'd ever care for someone to read/review your work, feel free to ask me.

    Btw, have I 'seen' you around the forums or somethin'? You just added me suddenly, it seemed...


  5. Amen.

    I take it you enjoy writing as well?


  6. . . . Hi? And was that Latin?


  7. Oh, thank you so much! :) No specifics? ... :D

    What's up with you?


  8. :D

    I guess people have noticed me hovering around there. I'm just working on a short story for 1000.

    Btw, do I know you from anywhere?


  9. Mkay, it'll be nice to hear some background. :D

    Aw, poor thing. I'm sorry. :(


  10. Am I just completely clueless for not noticing or have you gotten a premier membership lately?


  11. Pretty low-key, but still fun.

    Have you renamed me? :D

    How was yours?


  12. Ooh, nice. Sounds like it was pretty fun. Lots of killing? What's that supposed to mean?


  13. Hi. I'm doin' pretty good. Hoping to write some tonight and get my 1000 post special done soon.

    How're you?


  14. Aw, I'm sorry. Those can be annoying, I know.

    You did? What'd ya' think?

    Pretty good. Doin' school and hoping to write some tonight.

    How was your Halloween?


  15. ...

    Physical therapy? You okay?

    Meesa is doin' good. I want to finish up the 1000 post special I'm working on...


  16. Haha. Guess people have noticed I've hovered around 998 or 999 for a while. Actually, yes, I'm working on a Short Story. Hopefully I'll get it up soon so I can' get back to posting.

    How're you doin'?


  17. People? What people? :D

    *puts on pirate hat*

    Ello, Mate! What's up?


  18. Let me join the others in welcoming you to Bzp! Hope you have an awesome time here!

    So you like SW? Sweet.


  19. Awesome. So unless you let me know, it'll be scheduled for the eighth of November, which is a Saturday.

    You did see that I reviewed, right?


  20. Ok, I have one question that I'm not bothering to ask via PM. What night would be better for the debate, November 1st or 8th?

    Laters, Sorek!


  21. Hi! Just thought I'd say congratulations on being picked as a judge! That's pretty neat.

    And what date for the debate would be better, Nov. 1 or 8?


  22. :D Yeah, I did a little hunting. This name seemed like one you might pick out.

    So you like the site? You want to see any of my epics or short stories?


  23. Uh, it's going to be a scary, romantic, suspenseful action story. :D

    By the way, I read the new chapter last night and am planning on reviewing it today! Awesome!


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