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Jedi Gali

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Status Updates posted by Jedi Gali

  1. Shweet! Dunno if I told you this but I'm writing a story for the 1000 post mark (two posts away) so I might not be able to post right away... :D I will eventually, don't worry.


  2. Nice name and personal pic! :D


  3. *Shrugs* No problem. I'm sure you're busy. What's 'T.T'?


  4. I want to join him in welcoming you here! I hope you have an amazing time. :)


  5. Really? Sweeeet! :)

    Do you have any suggestions for topics?

    And how've ya' been of late?


  6. Hey, tell me what you think about the idea proposed in my latest blog entry...


  7. Yeah, I did get it done... after ten o'clock Sunday.

    Actually, I might post it on Bzp in CoT? Think I should?

    How's high school goin'?


  8. Done! :D Thought I'd let you know since topics tend to get buried quickly in CoT...


  9. That's... nice.

    That's very nice. :D


  10. Sorry for not getting to your story yet. Since I finally did a review for the ECC, I should be able to do it tomorrow. ;) No guarantees though.


  11. Oh, nice. I had a 3-day weekend too, cept I had Friday off. I'm okay. Feelin' a little sick, gah.

    Oh, and you should visit the ECC. It seems you need to indicate the # of chapters you want reviewed.

    I need to get one of those done...


  12. Hiya. How've ya' been? You're in school, right?


  13. Wow. I saw your art a few days ago, though I haven't gotten around to replying yet. That's some neat stuff...

    How's your Sunday/weekend been?


  14. Pretty good. I'm workin' on a story for English that's due tomorrow.

    Ha, you really don't like hw, do you?


  15. I was talking about on Bzp. *shrugs*

    Nice personal statement. Not the hedgehog part... :D


  16. ...

    Do I know you from somewhere? :D


  17. You are? I hope you make it! When will you know?

    School, homework, writing, and stuff like that. Currently I'm working on a story for English that's due Monday. And my teacher assigned it Thursday! Not enough time...



  18. Long time no talk. What's up?


  19. You're welcome. Thanks for visiting mine. Nice interest list.


  20. You're welcome! Thank you so much for the kind review. I'm so glad you liked it and thought it was good. :)


  21. Hi! Just wanted to say interesting story you wrote... :D I did a quick review.

    So, what's up?


  22. You can go look in CoT for your birthday present. :D

    Hope ya' like it!


  23. You can go find your present in CoT... Hope you like it!


  24. Thank you!

    Just curious, you ever like to do any writing?


  25. Hi! Nice interest list.


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