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Jedi Gali

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Status Updates posted by Jedi Gali

  1. Hi! How're you?


  2. Long time no talk, how've ya' been?


  3. Oh, right! That's gotta be a pain. Well, then, have fun with the homework!! Hope it doesn't take tooo long.


  4. Oh, duh.

    You wouldn't even give me a teaser? :D

    Ouch, that would have to be hard; having to finish a story before writing the one you really love. That's kinda like me. I'm working on an epic I don't like as much as Toa of the New Republic but have to wait to finish so I can tie up some of my other epics.


  5. Aw, not a problem! Whenever you get a chance...

    Geez, how much homework can one get? I only have a little studying tonight...


  6. Hmm, yeah, it twas. Oh, no. Does that mean you'll stop writing it?

    Who's TSS and what's the Rising Break about?

    Ooh, yay!


  7. Yeah, you'd have to know the storyline more to hear of her. Thank you.

    I saw that, read it, and thinking about posting. But now I have. What an utterly depressing piece...


  8. Haha. :D Thanks.

    Btw, feel in the mood to read a Lariska angst I entered in a blog contest?


  9. *Shakes head* Nope, my friends aren't spontaneous like that.


  10. Oh, that must have been awesome! Bet you were surprised...

    Awww. That's so cute.


  11. Thank you! :) Sorry you didn't get up there too! I was... a little surprised at the winner, but hey, it was the judges decision.

    Oh, just in case you're interested, I posted a short story about Lariska a week or so ago. You been writing lately?


  12. Pretty goot. School, HW, writing. Just put up a new Lariska SS. But not too much.


  13. Ah, well, that's still fun, right?

    You probably haven't heard much because it's virtually nonexistent. Sorta. I am doing a main part (and another minor part) in a play. I love going to my youth group. But I don't do a ton.


  14. No prob. So how've ya been?


  15. Truedat. I might have felt differently if the timing was different.

    I suppose that's good. Anything else goin' on?


  16. Relient K is win. Never listened to Linkin Park... that I know of.


  17. Eh, oh well. Sorry you didn't do better. :(

    Btw, are you doing ok concerning what we talked about before?


  18. Hey, Jedi Gali from the SSCC. Just wanted to let you know I reviewed your SS, The Sinking Stones.


  19. Heya! Guess what??? The results are up!!!!!!!!

    Aside from that, long time no talk. What's up with you?


  20. Hiya! See the results are up?


  21. Really? It's an awesome movie! Oh, wow, sounds like you've done a lot. Are they BIONICLE-related? Yeah, you could PM it to me or post it.


  22. :D You like that movie, I take it?

    You post any stories here?


  23. Hey, Leviathan! I come on behalf of Rsd from the SSCC. Since your PM system is disabled, I have to ask you here whether you think the member Mr. Orange would be a good critic. Let me know soon! Thanks.


  24. Aw... This may be dumb, but is it a health virus or computer virus? :D Health, right?

    If so, hope you feel better soon!

    Ooh, yay! It'll be cool to know what you think.


  25. Heylo! Just wanted to let you know that I posted a Lariska short story a few days ago. If you're too busy, don't feel you have to look at it. ;)

    So what's been up on your end?


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