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Jedi Gali

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Status Updates posted by Jedi Gali

  1. Welcome to BZPower!!

    Care for me to make a poll for that topic you made? When the question is yes or no, it should normally be a poll...


  2. My gosh, you serious?? Thank you! ^_^ I was... pleased with the outcome.

    Ooh, I can't to see it. Make sure you tell me when it's up!


  3. Sorry for not responding sooner. I guess it just slipped my mind. Ugh, catchup is never fun... I'm doing pretty good. Just posted a new short story, Confessions of a Dark Hunter, a few days ago. But, I know you're busy reviewing all sorts of things. Don't feel like you have to read it. ;) You been doing anything interesting?


  4. :D Thanks.

    I can't wait for the contest, voting, judging, or otherwise. *Taps foot impatiently...*


  5. Well, you've already got five and have only been around a month or so. I've been a member for over three years. :D

    So don't worry about it. Just be nice, mature, and friendly.


  6. Hiya, .:TV.:! Whassup?


  7. I'm a tad late, but welcome to BZPower anyhow! Hope your stay is an enjoyable one!


  8. Thanks! Any in particular? :D

    See you 'round the forums.


  9. Welcome to BZPower!! Hope you have an awesome time here! If you have a question, feel free to ask me. ;)


  10. Great!

    Okay, look at the top of your screen. See where it says 'My Controls' in bold? Click on it and look on the left side for 'Edit Signature'. That's where you add banners or anything you want into your sig. ;)


  11. You'll probably find them in Artwork II

    Here's a link:


    And here's a place that should have a lot of sprites:


    Tell me if that's what you wanted!!


  12. Where exactly are these 'things' located? Below the post, under the avatar, where?


  13. Ah, okay. I don't think I have time to read it tonight but I'll probably get to it tomorrow.

    So how've you been?


  14. Nice...

    You sayin' I should get a kleenex?


  15. Thanks! You like SW and POTC, I take it?


  16. Thank you, Padawan!

    Er, would that be Knight? Or Master?



  17. ... Sometimes? The Mirror one?

    Yeah, I entered and am getting a leeetle bit anxious for results. There's no voting in it.


  18. Well, like, it hasn't started yet, but I'll PM you one when it does.

    And you ever see the CoT contest??


  19. Oh, sweet! That's awesome, I'm glad for you.


  20. Hiya! Not much really, just working on a short story for a blog contest...



  21. Right! :D

    So how've ya' been?


  22. The words 'alotta' and 'be prepared'... :D

    Nah, it doesn't matter.


  23. Well, I may not get to 'em right away, we'll see. ;)

    ... Uh-oh.



  24. That makes me feel good... JK.

    Ooh, I'll have to check 'em out.





  25. :D

    You mean you seriously commented on the wrong profile? Haha.

    You ever write anything?


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