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Jedi Gali

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Status Updates posted by Jedi Gali

  1. ... uh...

    *Mind races*

    I feel really dumb and stupid for asking this, but where do I know you from?


  2. Hi! Nope, don't think so; unless you changed your name that is.

    Reading... what?


  3. Here is a link that'll take you to the place where you can change it:


    There's a neat base gallery there that already has a lot. But if you want to use another one, make sure you don't direct link.

    Hope that helps! :D


  4. Ooh, awesomeness!!! :D I'll definitely have to check that out... I mean it! :D

    Pretty good, writing a ton. You ever seen my epic, To Be or Not To Be? As soon as I finish that, I'll put up a library..


  5. Wow, that's really awesome! :D I definitely know what you mean. I'm a Sophomore but still don't have more than a handful of friends. But they're pretty good ones.


  6. Aww, too bad. I must say though, I don't know too many guys who babysit...

    Btw, school goin' well?


  7. Yeaaaah, I saw that blog entry. It sounded pretty heated. :P

    Ooh, babysitting! As Lewa would say, "Happy-joy!" Or not. You get paid?

    October...Okay, I'll wait till Christmas then.


  8. Whassup? (Uh-oh, I sounding gangsta)

    So anywho, I'm thinkin' bout' making an SS contest, but I don't want it to conflict with yours. You thinking it'll be soon or what?

    'Cuz it'd be fun for me to do a Christmas one...


  9. Welcome to BZPower, Toa Teridax!! Have a great time here! If you have any questions, you can ask me. ;)


  10. Nice new Personal Statement. :D I love that quote!


  11. Welcome to BZPower, even though it's been nearly two months! :D Hope you have an awesome time!

    Oh, and nice pic!


  12. Hello, just saw your sig. Yeah, go Rays! :D


  13. Ah, I understand. I've got so many different stories I need to review or write, it isn't even funny.


  14. *Shakes head* I don't think so.

    Btw, you ever see Mata-Nui Olympics?

    Now I gots to go do some chemistry HW...


  15. Saw your post in the SSCC. Finally! :D

    The rule is two reviews per every two weeks. So essentially, it is one per week. Or, if you're like me, you procrastinate till the day before the deadline and do both.


  16. Long time no talk. Whassup? :D

    How was that trip?


  17. Haha, I take it you don't like school then...


  18. When do you think the contest will start??

    *taps foot impatiently* :D


  19. I'm asking you this here because I don't want to clutter up the topic.

    I'm not sure I get your question in the ECC. What were you asking?

    And again, welcome!


  20. Btw, I reviewed the first chapter! :D

    What's up with you?


  21. You're so lucky. It took me waaaaay longer than that. You still sick?


  22. Sure, go ahead! Another person has done that before, but without my 'permission'. I don't mind though. I'll have to go look at that. *Heads over to epics*

    Btw, you finish your HW?


  23. I'm so sorry. I would hate that...

    You start writing the next chapter? ;)


  24. Well, that's pretty decent. I only have to finish my essay and then I'm done with my HW. Yay! :D

    How's your Sunday?


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