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Jedi Gali

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Status Updates posted by Jedi Gali

  1. Ugh! TWO essays? Yikes, that must be annoying. Procrastinator!!!

    Yeah, I have Monday off as well; I'll probably be finishing up my essay then...

    I play two hand touch...no tackle for me! :D


  2. Aw, I detest those. Hope you feel better. I'm okay. Writing an essay and watchin' football. :D

    You like football?


  3. Why do you say that? I remember it being pretty good. And besides, it did get second, remember?


  4. How's it goin'?

    Just wanted to let you know I reviewed your new chapter. ;)


  5. Heh, you overestimate my abilities...


  6. Hahaha, that's a good one...


    You're not joking?!


    Awesomeness!!! I'll try to review it by tomorrow, I'm sorta busy with school tonight. Sorry. :(


  7. Aw, that's gotta be hard. People probably are already in their cliques and all, right? My sympathies. It was sorta hard for me last year.

    Oh. :D

    I think that's where I've seen you, now that I think about it.


  8. That's really specific... :D


  9. "nobody an stuffs"...huh?

    ECC? Hmm. *heads over to topic*

    Now, I feel dumb. Are you a critic? Because I don't see your name in the list.


  10. So how is highschool? Awesome (:D) or a nightmare? (:o)


  11. Ooh, yay! Thanks! Yeah, I did see that chapter and started reading it last night. I just didn't get a chance to review it then; I'll do it soon. ;)


  12. Wha- Rubbing it in? No, I wasn't! :D

    I'm sure you could finish yours if you put your mind to it. In fact, that's what I should probably do...


  13. True 'dat. :D

    Pretty good, I've got a fair amount of homework but oh well.

    Currently, I'm working on Toa of the New Republic though I really should work on Mata-Nui Olympics.

    Gah, too much!


  14. Whoa that was a huge comment! :D

    Eh, maybe it's true, I'm not really sure. School goin' good?


  15. Aw, too bad. But I haven't finished mine yet either.

    Notice the 'yet'. :D


  16. Ooh, new school...how'd that go?

    Okay, this is bothering me. Have you ever read any of my stories or have I reviewed yours???

    So??? Who cares about a month's difference? :D


  17. Uh, thanks?

    And that reminds me of a line Hafu said in a comedy I wrote...


  18. Not a ton. You?

    I feel kinda of stupid for asking this but I'm getting a memory block. Where do I know you from?


  19. I take it you saw my post on your story?

    Well, maybe some of your stuff is dark. Both SS's were... and your epic sorta is. Optimistic? Nice.


  20. Good luck in high school tomorrow! Have an awesome day! :D


  21. You're not a highschooler yet. :P

    Wait a dozen hours or so. :D

    But I'm a sorta lazy, just started the outline a minute or so ago and the essay is due next Monday.


  22. Have fun with that. :D

    Meanwhile, I have schoolwork to do...

    *opens blank document and begins writing essay outline*


  23. Heh, you're smarter than me. :D

    So you all prepped and ready for school?


  24. Haha. You can't resist being on BZPower. :D

    So tonight, I just did both reviews for the SSCC. Whew. I definitely cut it close...

  25. Sweet. Pretty good, just posted a new chapter for the epic I'm co-writing with my siblings.


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