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Jedi Gali

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Status Updates posted by Jedi Gali

  1. Aw. You really have writer's block? That stinks. I remember SSC#4 when I waited four months for the results...

    I've been writing a fair amount. Working on my blog some. You ever seen it?


  2. Long time no talk...How've ya been??


  3. Actually, yeah. Ever since it began. :D There are a fair amount of girls on this site.

    And, welcome to BZPower!!! Have a great time here!


  4. Uh...Thank you??


  5. Oh, thank you! I'm glad you like it! :) I love both SW and Gali!


  6. Just wanted to let you know that your epic has received it's official review.


  7. Sweet! In my opinion, it's most fun taking off.


  8. Lucky. You have a youth trip. That would be fun.


  9. Oh, I see.

    I'm okay. Just studying before I take a driving (written) test. I can't wait to get back to school.


  10. I still don't exactly get what they are. Is it from a game, book, toy-line?


  11. Lol, yeah, we're all siblings. It makes it a lot easier to work on. You seen any of her stories?


  12. Ah, I see. But I deleted my account there.

    Welcome to BZPower! Have a great time here!


  13. *Slaps forehead*

    Sorry! :( It's kinda late now, so I'll do it tomorrow. I'll respond too! ;)


  14. Exeno Raptors? What's that?


  15. Yep, that's it. My sis, the White Lady is writing too. It 'premiers' this Saturday... :D


  16. Well, basically, we all write chapters individually. But we do collaborate together and read each other's chapters. We all think of ideas.

    Sweet! You're lucky you can go on vacation.


  17. Thank you!! :) I had fun writing it!

    You writing anything else lately?


  18. Thanks. Mata-Nui Olympics is an epic and is going to be posted the day after the '08 Olympics start. :D

    It's my first co-written epic!!

    What's up with you?


  19. Hello!!! Welcome to BZPower and have an awesome time here!!



  20. Thanks!! :) It'd be cool to know what you think...


  21. Oh, sweetness! What's the name of the story?

    And here's the link to mine:



  22. I've been around. :D

    I'm pretty good. Just been doing a TON of writing lately. You?


  23. It's the Completely Off Topic story contest. I entered a story and am now waiting for the results. They were supposed to be up last night...


  24. Hello. I recognize your name from somewhere...Oh!!! I reviewed your epic, right?


  25. Wow.

    Your story was good. But sad!!! :(

    I'll post soon.


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