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Jedi Gali

Premier Members
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Status Updates posted by Jedi Gali

  1. I'm waiting for the contest results... And posting. And writing.


  2. So did you enjoy your premier perks? :D And did you ever get that picture to appear?


  3. H'lo! What's up?


  4. Whoa, thank you! :)

    Which ones have you read?

    And, do you have any stories here?


  5. Um...May I ask why?

    And, you're welcome.


  6. I found it. :D I'll try to read it soon. Just tell me this: is it depressing???


  7. Hey, just wanted to let you know I reviewed it. ;)


  8. Oh, thank you! :) Did you enter?


  9. Heh, yeah. I like that picture.

    So how's your summer been going?


  10. Hello! And welcome to BZPower!!! I hope you have a fun time here!


  11. *Goes to CoT to check on SS.*

    Yay! 'Thankee'! :D

    You have any topics or stories you'd like me to reply to?


  12. Yeah, my fave is the first as well. But, they're all weird. :D

    Oh, and thanks so much for your review of Toa United! It's really nice to hear more than, "I like it, KUTAW!", y'know?


  13. Thanks. What is your favorite of the Trilogy?


  14. So how was the camp? And your summer overall so far?


  15. Ah, long time ago...

    Yeah, actually, I got second in the epics contest and I don't know yet about the CoT Contest.


  16. Whoa, sounds pretty exciting. When was that anyhow?

    Yeah, I've been writing a lot. Entered a few contests. Writing some more. :D Nothing too exciting.


  17. Hiya, what's up? How'd the move go?


  18. Hey, thanks for the kind comment on my epic! I appreciate it!


  19. Ah. So have you done any other stories recently?

    If you have time, I wrote an SS for the CoT contest.


  20. Sweetness!!! I'll go check it out!


  21. Nice!! But, I myself prefer football.

    Reviews? For the ECC or what? I did mine last night.

    Aw, moods and writing. Just read over what you've written and then start. Or get some good music going. :D


  22. Hi, just wanted to let you know I've reviewed your epic for the ECC. :)


  23. Cool! You like playing basketball?

    Eh, I'm not doing a ton. Writing, reviewing, responding to reviews. Oh, and then I have youth group. That'll be fun...


  24. Hiya! What's up??


  25. Thanks for the review! :D I added you.


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