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Jedi Gali

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Status Updates posted by Jedi Gali

  1. Hey, best of luck to you too. We're in the same contest once again. :D

    I'll see if I can read yours.


  2. *Narrows eyes*...You're not taking lessons from anyone, are you???

    Btw, congrats on getting 100!!! You're now a Toa.


  3. You entered the CoT contest I take it? Nice!!

    Btw, thanks for all the work you've been doing in the ECC. :)


  4. Wow, thanks so, so much!!! It's pretty cool. I was wondering what would happen with the downtime and all, y'know?



  5. Hiya! Thanks a ton! :)

    You did awesome too!!

    I got your notice, though, I did see it posted before. ;) I started reading Ch. 13.


  6. Whoa, so sorry about forgetting your birthday...

    Happy Belated Birthday!!!! I hope you had an awesome day!


  7. Hi! Yeah, I've seen your story. I skimmed it just now. One thing, well, wait. I'll send a PM. ;)


  8. Sweet...No, I'm never giving up on it. The twelfth chapter is almost done. ;)

    What one are you on?


  9. Hey, thanks for the vote!!! I really appreciate it! :)


  10. Yeah, it was good. Sorta low-key though. Yours?


  11. Hi!!!! Congrats on making it to the finals!! I get the feeling it'll be a rough ride...Good luck!


  12. Hey, you told me to let you know when the polls are up. They're up!!! :D Btw, it's the same place as the poetry contest.


  13. Hi, I like your quote in the personal statement. :D

    Good luck in the EC#7 Contest!


  14. Oh my, I'm starting to freak out....

    The contest polls should be up any time now...


  15. Uh...hi.

    Oh, and welcome to Bzpower, though I'm a little late. :D


  16. Hi, just wanted to let you know I visited your epic's review topic. ;)


  17. Hi! Just wanted to say that I replied to your epic. ;)


  18. Yayz! I hope you like it! And the judges too... :D


  19. Hello! Since the entry period for the contest is over, I'm planning on reading your epic. I'll start this afternoon. ;)


  20. Aw, I might try to drop a review and see how things are going. It was all I could do to finish my epic. I wish they'd given a little more time, y'know?


  21. Heylo! How's your summer been going?

    In case you're interested, my contest entry is complete! :D


  22. Awesome!! That's really neat. Is it a long camp?


  23. Long time no talk, how's your summer going? Are you really busy?


  24. Hello! So how is that story of yours going? The one you asked me to review?

    Oh, and good luck in the contest!!!


  25. Well, the problem is that the first portion of the contest is judging. The judges will narrow it down to a few finalists and then Bzpower will vote. I just hope to get past the judges scrutiny. :D


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