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Jedi Gali

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Status Updates posted by Jedi Gali

  1. Eh, okay. I've had better too. I'm working on my contest entry now. Only two more days..


  2. Hi! Thanks for the 'happy birthday'! Long time no talk. How're you doing?


  3. Thanks!! :)

    Yeah, I got your PM. I've read most of it I think. I'll try to drop a reply soon. ;)


  4. Hey Turakii! Thanks so much!!


  5. Hmm...I'm thinking it'll be six or so. And maybe an epilogue. But we'll see. ;)

    I hope you enjoy it!


  6. Hi, I just wanted to quickly say that I put a new chapter up! How's the writing going?


  7. Howdy, just wanted to let you know chapter four is up!


  8. Whoa, you live in Iowa? Are the floods bad where you live?


  9. Yeah, I understand your line of thinking.


  10. Ah, sweet.

    I enjoy writing as well.


  11. No problem. And, I attempted to add you.


  12. I'll join the others in welcoming you! I hope you have an awesome time here! And, you have any BIONICLE stories you'll post?


  13. Long time no talk. How's it going? You're done with school for the summer, right?


  14. Nice quote in your sig. I saw the movie and that part was so hilarious. :D


  15. Yeps, I saw it...Looks like a Takuta-Nui review. :D


  16. Just in case you're interested, I put up the third chapter!!


  17. Welcome to Bzpower!!!

    ...Though, I'm kinda late in doing this. :D

    But I hope you have a great time on this site!


  18. Geez, I'm not sure I'd go that far. But thanks.

    Yeah, I should do a review soon, too.

    See ya' round!


  19. Hey, thanks so much for posting! I need all the input I can get!!

    ECC reviews are always different than others. I'll try to get to yours today. ;)


  20. Yeah, I was looking at your story topic and review topic earlier. I'll try to let you know what I think.

    And I was talking about the ECC, but it'd be nice if a critic gave me their opinion. :D


  21. What one? In the Hands of a Makuta?

    Ah, so you're entering too. I may take a look at it.

    Btw, you reviewing that epic soon?... :D


  22. Hi! :D

    Not too much. I'm just working on my contest entry and surfin' Bzpower.



  23. Nah, I don't think so. 'Sides, I'm pretty busy writing for the contest now. See ya'!


  24. Howdy! I just wanted to drop a comment and say best of luck in the contest! Though...I don't really like that word...


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