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Jedi Gali

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Status Updates posted by Jedi Gali

  1. Hi! Well, I've 'seen' you around the forums...You've read a story of mine?

    Sure, I'll check yours out. I know I've seen it before.


  2. Ouch...You still have finals at this time? I finished mine last week.

    Oh right. I feel stupid now.

    See you round the forums!


  3. Hey, thanks so much reviewing!!! I really appreciate every bit of input!!!


  4. Hello! I've been fine, but pretty busy writing. You?

    And, how do I know you? I recognize the name but don't recall having been in contact...Have a good one!


  5. Pretty good. Yeah, the story is for the contest. Have you read it?


  6. Hallo! Long time no talk...How've ya' been?


  7. But, what does this protection consist of, exactly?


  8. Oh, you noticed! I didn't think anybody had. Did you like it?


  9. Oh, thanks! I'll try to read yours when the contest is over! ;)


  10. Hi, I saw you entered the contest as well. Ordinarily, I might read your entry but I don't like getting any ideas from other's works. Best of luck!


  11. Hey, just wanted to say I posted my prologue to my contest entry...just in case you wanted to check it out.


  12. Ah, cool! Thanks for letting me know!


  13. Heylo! Yeah, what is that new pic???


  14. And, no, I haven't read those books. Sorry I forgot to tell you before. Ah, my poor memory!


  15. Welcome to Bzpower!!! I hope you have an awesome time on this site!!!


  16. Oh, thanks! I'm really glad you like it! It's so encouraging when people say things concerning it! See ya' round the forums!


  17. Hey, just wanted to let you know that I edited my review to your story. I didn't realize you had chapter five then. My bad.


  18. Um, not bad so far. I still have two exams next week. :(

    Yeah, I'm really, really sorry for not posting sooner. I've kept trying to do it.

    Have a good one, Sorek!


  19. Thanks, I'm glad you like it! See ya' round!


  20. Oh, thank you. I'm not exactly sure if it is...If you want to know more, PM me. ;)


  21. Aww...Your picture makes me feel sad. Not for me, for you.


  22. Missed you guys Saturday and Sunday...It was a good time.


  23. Hi! I see you like Narnia...You seen it yet?


  24. Just to let you know, I'm not going to that site anymore so it's useless to talk to me there. ;)


  25. Ooh, sweet!! That's so awesome! Why didn't you tell me when you got the first chapter out?


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