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Jedi Gali

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Status Updates posted by Jedi Gali

  1. ...You serious? That's one of the more interesting things I've heard lately. Sure, there are some seniors but I don't think that many. Maybe I just don't notice.


  2. LOL...No, I don't live in the Everglades but I do live in Florida. I'm a huge Gator fan though.


  3. Everglades? What are you talking about?


  4. Ooh, nice. Let me know when you post it.


  5. I just saw your update in your epic review. Nice to see you around again. What's going on?


  6. Hey, I just wanted to say I'll try to review your epic tonight. I've been meaning to do one for a while. And it'll be separate from the Epics Critics Club. ;)


  7. When will you get that one up? Is it almost done?


  8. It's called The Toa Go Surfing and has a mere three chapters.

    Do you moc often? Nice contest entry, btw.


  9. Not much really. I've just started writing my comedy after an eighteen month break.

    Anything going on with you?


  10. Hey! Long time no talk! How's it goin'?


  11. Aw, everyone beat me to the punch in welcoming you...Anyhow welcome to Bzpower!!!

    I'm sure I'll see you around the forums!!


  12. Congratulations! I don't see how you do it...

    What's up?


  13. No problem. Anytime you have a question, just ask me.


  14. Oh, I see. Just go to Control Panel and under Personal Profile click Edit Profile Information. ;)


  15. Are you going to get an interest list up sometime?


  16. Hello! I see you just started an epic.

    I'm sure I'll see you around the forums!


  17. I was talking about Chronicles of Narnia...

    But I do know what Resev's name is...


  18. No, I haven't yet but I really want to. Does it look good?


  19. True. I think the beginning ones are the least strange of the bunch.

    BTW, interesting interest list...


  20. Wow, that's pretty cool. You like Switchfoot too?


  21. Neat. They're all good, but they do get weirder as they go on.

    I hope you enjoy em'.


  22. Nope, I've never been to one. You?


  23. Oh yeah, I have. It's been a while since I've read some of them though. I'm really looking forward to the movie that comes out this summer.


  24. Hey Turakii! Nice profile picture and massive interest list. Not that I read the whole thing. Merely skimmed it. Aw, now I can't get a donut...


  25. Hi! You like Relient K too? Nice.

    I used to be home-schooled a few years ago...


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