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Jedi Gali

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Status Updates posted by Jedi Gali

  1. Yeah, it has been a while. Not much is up. I'm on Spring Break and trying to write Chapter 11 of my epic. Have you been thinking about your sequel?


  2. So how's it going? We haven't talked in a whiles.

    BTW, did I ever respond to your PM about skiing?


  3. I've read all the books, but my favorite is either Fall of Reach or First Strike.

    Do have any stories here?


  4. Not much, just working on Biology.

    Interesting pic you've got there...I'm still trying to figure it out.


  5. Hello! Welcome to Bzpower! Have an awesome time here!


  6. No, it's cool. Whatever is good for you though. I 'specially like the first sentence. Halo is fun though I only read the books. I've barely played a little of the first game.


  7. LOL...I was looking at your profile views. That was dumb. :D

    Did you have a good time away?


  8. Ah, that's cool. Though, I wouldn't want a picture of the Witch King on my profile... :D


  9. Hey! What's up with you? Are you going to get to 800 posts soon?


  10. Is that a Nazgul in your personal pic? I'm trying to figure it out...It appears so, but I don't remember that from any of the movies.


  11. Nice interest list! Relient K is awesome! Matter of fact, I'm listening to it now...


  12. I'd like to welcome you to Bzpower!!! I hope you have an awesome time here!


  13. ...Sounds like fun...Hope you had a Happy Easter!!


  14. A Happy Easter to you too! Have a good one!


  15. That's awesome! Do you like so far?


  16. Welcome to BZP!!! I hope you have an awesome time here!


  17. Yeah, I saw that. Definitely Pepsi. ;)


  18. Can I vote? If it counts, I'll say Pepsi. It has a better taste than Coke.


  19. Sweet!! If you have any questions, just ask me. I hope you enjoy it!


  20. Hey! I was wearing green shoes yesterday. ;) But wait, I did take off... However I am 1/8 Irish if that helps...


  21. Nah, I don't mind. Matter of fact, I'll add you. ;)


  22. Yeah, I got it. Those are some awesome lightsabers! Mine are the cheap 8 and 20 dollar ones! :D I may join...


  23. Oh that was really good. My sister has some great stories as well. At the moment, we're both waiting for some contest results...


  24. Hi Eranok! So have you done alot of artwork?


  25. Which of sibling's stories did you read? And who wrote it?


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