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Jedi Gali

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Status Updates posted by Jedi Gali

  1. Yeah, he's awesome. Actually, he used to be on staff here at BZP. A global moderator methinks.


  2. Hello! Welcome to Bzpower! I hope your stay here is filled with awesomeness! See you around the forums!


  3. I think I've seen her around some. Yeah, IT is bro, you know him?


  4. Yeah, I know. You have a sister here? Israeli Toa is brother as well.


  5. Hi! What fascinating interests you have!...


  6. Whoa, that's pretty creepy indeed. I would want to get my seat changed. Force Unleashed for PS3? The name sounds familiar. Whenever I want to play a game it has to be on my PC.


  7. So how have you been doing? Anything interesting going on?


  8. Oh, that's a really good one. You should read it.


  9. Nice interest list! I hope you have an awesome time on Bzpower!


  10. My epic is primarily SW. The first three chapters don't even contain any Bionicle characters. My other SW stuff is badly written.


  11. Eh, some is not but I have a Starwars and Bionicle epic going now. It leans more towards SW.


  12. By the way, thanks so much for reading my story and commenting!


  13. Creed? I feel dumb. I don't know them either. I do listen to music though! I swear!


  14. 3 Doors Down? Never of em'. It's a band?


  15. You know some German? That is awesome! I wish I did because I'm part German...


  16. Okay, lemme think...The question was: Hi, how are you doing?

    Estoy bien hoy. Estaba enferma la semana pasada.

    And there are tons of Hispanics in FL.


  17. Uh, 'my dear', is a new one for me. Lol. I've had nearly three years of Spanish and I can understand some of what my friends say. But they talk too fast.


  18. Yeah, I think so. Not me though! It sounds really boring. I speak a little Spanish. Have you learned any?


  19. *Smacks self*...Duh, just look at your sig...Mexico?


  20. A movie! That is awesome! I hope they make it like the books with the MC's childhood and all. When does it come out?


  21. Eh, I'm gonna say...Tampa?


  22. POTC4? No, I hadn't heard that. And two new Halo games? I thought this last one was it. I think they should make a movie out of it...



  23. Whoa, that's pretty cool. We have many similar interests. Yeah, I live in Florida. You?


  24. I'll be reading your new chapter soon. Probably not tonight; I've got Biology studying. Maybe tomorrow though.


  25. Eh, I could debate that point about drawing. I have no artistic talent. But I really haven't been on many SW sites. I just read the books and write my epic. And watch the movies...


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