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Jedi Gali

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Status Updates posted by Jedi Gali

  1. I've found that lots of people who like Bionicle like Starwars too. That's some pretty sweet art you've got! I love the Jango Fett and MC.


  2. I just wanted to drop a comment! So hi! Biology is my favorite class too. It seems kids in England take SAT's early. I'm going to be 16 when I take them..


  3. You like Starwars too? Have you read any of the books?


  4. So you write alot? That's pretty cool. Will you post any of them on Bzp? I'll see around!


  5. Hi! Yeah, it is pretty cool finding people with similar interests on this site. Have you written any stories? See you round the forums!


  6. I just wanted to say good luck in the contest! I hope you do well!


  7. To tell you the truth, I was surprised that I won. If I don't do well, I hope you win!


  8. I know the song in your personal statement. I listened to it just in the past hour!


  9. You like Spider-man too? Sweet! I'll see you around the forums!


  10. I hope you had a wonderful Valentines Day! God bless!


  11. Hey Sorek! I just wanted to welcome you to Bzpower and to say that I gave you your official review from the Epics Critics Club! See you round!


  12. Thanks so much for replying on my story! By the way, most of the links in your sig take you to Star-crossed Skies. Nice interest list!


  13. I go to Hope Bible Church, my dad's the pastor...It's sweet that you like LotR and Relient K. See you round!


  14. Hey! It's so awesome to know there are like-minded people here on Bzpower! I take you like SW and LOTR? See you round'!


  15. Hey, justed wanted to say good luck in the contest! Your story was awesome!!!


  16. Hello! Nice interest list you have there!


  17. Bogota, huh? I know some people from Colombia. I hope you have an awesome time on Bzpower!


  18. Happy Birthday! Just for future reference, birthday topics go in the Completely off Topic forum. See you round!


  19. Hey! Just wanted to let you know I reviewed your epic for the ECC. I don't think you've checked it in quite a while.


  20. Hey, friend! Long time no talk. How goes it?


  21. Ah, you've turned to the dark side! Am I the only one who has stayed true to the light? :P


  22. Hello! I've read the Halo books, but haven't played the game...


  23. Welcome! Have an awesome time at Bzp! I'll probably see you 'round the forums!


  24. Hello! I've reviewed your epic, ~Identity.


  25. Yeah, I'm a Christian...and I used to be homeschooled. But it's nice to have similarly minded people at BZP.


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