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Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen

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Posts posted by Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen

  1. Badabing badaboom starting bandwagons


    Actually, I'm starting to think this through more.


    Pulse and Mesonak make very good points. Also keep in mind that they killed a Po-Matoran this go around. The only other two Po-Matoran? MakutaOfComedy... And Shadowhawk.


    If we lynch Shadowhawk, then that means there is only one more Po-Matoran left. And they know we'll lynch him, because if they're smart, this is what they'd do. We get a Dark Hunter, but we may lose all of our Po-Matoran, leaving us open for attacks for longer.


    Dunno what we can do aside from make sure they don't get MoC... Least we're almost to Toa Mesonak!



  2. I imagine that there is not one, but two dark hunters on that list, and that Shadowhawk has been placed on there by the Master of Illusions to make you think he's innocent if you get the Dark Hunter, or to blind you to the other DH if you lynch Shadowhawk.


    This may be very true. The MoI may also have a hand in my body double, as I'm certainly not dead.


    In which case, I'll start off by voting Shadowhawk.



  3. IMO, I don't suspect either of the Ta-Matoran. If we look at this line here...

    He glanced over his shoulder and saw a couple of Ta-Matoran having a blast lava surfing.


    Now, this could mean Chro and JiMing. It could also be Burn and Shadow. But the fact that there are Ta-Matoran that I myself witnessed messing around in the lava... I say we can not be too sure about them.


    Personally, I place my suspicion on Cupcake or Baltarc. I'll vote Cupcake for the moment.



  4. I'll probably whip out a more detailed response later, but real fast:

    • Losing elemental powers (kal)
    • [...]
    • Possibly blown up by Velika in the future?

    It's noted that all of the Toa Nuva lost their elemental powers, not just Lewa. Also Lewa wandered out of the fortress that Velika was going to blow up, so he's probably safe from that. (Although him not getting the language upgrade and getting stuck in a village of primitives is another way of the story slapping him, if you want to view it that way.)


    Greg not liking treespeak is a known fact, and may or may not have played into his treatment of Le-characters. For example, Greg wanted Matau to betray the group instead of Vakama. Kongu got the Suletu instead of the Mask of Flight (you can argue that it actually helped him in the end, but whatever.) Lewa was in the story the longest, so he could have gotten the shorter end of the stick.


    In Bionicle in general, though, that case could be made for almost any character (except for Teridax). Tahu and Gali got defeated by three Rahkshi. Tahu had to rely on Lewa for help in the jungle (that was Tales of the Masks, a Greg-written-book, BTW). And Matau was the one to save Vakama (although that was a movie thing, not Greg.) Onua and Pohatu got flattened by the Rahkshi, Onua ran from a Makuta, scared out of his wits...


    I just wanted to reply to the example I highlighted in your post above. I honestly wouldn't say that was due to Matau being a Le-Toa, but more so due to character development. Greg has said multiple times in the past that Matau would have been a far better choice to defect to the bad side, as he was a far more vain hero, and was quite frustrated with becoming a Hordika. He even showed greater weakness to becoming a Rahi, as duly noted with his making of a nest. Vakama was all about being a Toa, and was rarely ever confident... His character change in 2005 made absolutely no sense, which is why Greg would have preferred Matau. And honestly, I agree with him.



    • Upvote 3

    Before these two fewls lead you wrong, it may be best you know that Lewa's misfortune was just the cause of a long running joke, with him getting into trouble. Onua saving him was because Onua just saved everyone very often, Tahu and Gali included.


    I think the only true thing said here is Greg's dislike of characters that speak tree-speak.




    editeljay.png GSR ninja'd.

    Hmm.. this is coming from a Miru wearer though... how do I know Lewa's not paying you to say these things hmm?



    Because I haven't made my "Does Greg hate Takua?" topic yet. =P



    • Upvote 4
  6. Before these two fewls lead you wrong, it may be best you know that Lewa's misfortune was just the cause of a long running joke, with him getting into trouble. Onua saving him was because Onua just saved everyone very often, Tahu and Gali included.


    I think the only true thing said here is Greg's dislike of characters that speak tree-speak.




    editeljay.png GSR ninja'd.

  7. Also, Eljay, is there any way you could decrease the filesize of the gif? It's too large to upload onto the wiki and I'd like to put it on the page if possible.


    No idea how I'd go about doing that. Let me mess around with the file, see if there are any options for file size.




    editeljay.pngWhat is the goal file size?






    Gif is cool though. Were the others who made cameos decided by RNG or?

    Probably just whoever's icons Eljay had on hand. :P



    Nah, I picked them out by hand, careful to see who was on whose side.


    Some I used sprites for, such as myself and Mesonak.


    But goodness, sorry dude. Tell us how the view is from up there. That was crazy.


    Now then, Air! I'm a Matoran of Air! This'll be no problem!... We're all doomed.



  9. Don't do this, Jam Pot. It won't end well.


    Anyhow, I've already spoken to the topic starter in regards to my opinions of a restart, but I'll repeat them here - I think if the leadership aspect is handled properly, then a BNG restart would more than likely be pretty great. It all depends on handling, but I'd be interested in seeing it.



  10. i'm pretty sure Sidorak is 100% complete. I'll have to dig around for Keetongu's red spinner, but otherwise he's complete. Roodaka is missing those orange eye pieces and that glow in the dark stud for her mouth.


    EDIT: actually, she might not actually be missing them. i'll have to do some digging for them, but i'm pretty sure i've got them somewhere.


    That'll work just fine! In which case, we can work out the total price + shipping, and I'll need an external way of sending you a shipping address other than BZP.


    Once again, thanks!



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