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Blog Entries posted by Rho

  1. Rho
    I guess you can imagine the band preforming or something.
    Also, out of pure boredom, I made TDI edits of Yumi and William from Code Lyoko.
    Not really great, but thought I'd do something with them now that I made them.
  2. Rho
    From what I've heard, the recently released Total Drama Island season 1 DVD sucks.
    Can DVDs from Canada play in American DVD players? If so, when a most likely better one is released in Canada, I'll try to order one.
    Oh, and this is the last day of premier perks? Oh well. Seemed like it would be tomorrow or so.
  3. Rho
    Either the combined efforts of Chef Hatchet, King Harkinian, XANA, Megas, and a few Noods scared off the people in charge of the locker inspection stuff, they didn't check it again, or they just decided it was pointless to empty it again and just signed me up for that one.
    Probably one of the last two.
  4. Rho
    I'm going to take back that locker again, write a note saying that I'm signing up for that one, stick it in the office, and tape Chef Hatchet to the door.
    If I had the skills to do it, I'd trigger it so it will blast Rick Roll whenever someone else opens it.
  5. Rho
    I learned that I completely fail at playing Volleyball.
    What I find extremely strange is that I was hit in the face by a volleyball going at a high rate of speed... And it didn't even cause a slight pain.
    I also managed to convince five people during break that I didn't speak English.. All of them I knew. And I have spoken to in English before.
    "Je ne parle pas anglais" (GEH- NEH- PARRL- PAH ON-GLAYS) can be very useful.
  6. Rho
    I went to my locker earlier to find the lock gone and the contents missing. I went to the office to see all my stuff thankfully on a desk there.
    They said "i never signed up for it" when I was never told to. Then they gave me my stuff back and signed me up for a different locker for some reason... A BOTTOM ONE.
    I had to deal with the bottom ones last year... Incredibly annoying.
    And Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors are supposed to be the ones getting the top lockers. :/
    On a side note, I failed miserably at drawing Africa earlier. For that matter, I wasn't exactly good with any of the continents.
  7. Rho
    So, I'm working on a rather large System MOC. It's gonna be Aquatic-like, and will use some BIONICLE pieces. It will be something...Neo.
    Guess the hidden meaning and..umm..get a prize?
    It's rather amusing watching a bad-quality Hannah Montana concert on TV cause I didnt have the 3d Glasses. =D
    And she said something rather stupid.
    >_> Hey Miley, What about people in wheelchairs, or with other disabilities?
    Yesterday, I saw someone approaching a McDonald's in a Limbo, and then the dude came out in a Fancy Tuxedo, and the Woman came out in a fancy dress. And no, It wasn't one of those fancy McDonald's locations. Just an ordinary one.
    So I was all like "lol wut", and then They got my dad's order wrong... I mean, seriously. How can you get "Big Mac" out of "Filet o Fish"? >_>
    Then, later that day, Some drunk dude backed into a whole bunch of shopping carts, ended up with one stuck to the back of his car, then he did like five burnouts, and drove off. Another "lol wut" moment.
    THEN, I saw a huge car accident with shattered glass all over the road...and a whole punch of destroyed pies in the road. ;_; Poor pies.
    So that's about it. I'm hoping I can find some store that has Krika and/or Gorast.
    ...uh oh, only one more day of Premier Perks.
  8. Rho
    To buy list (In terms of Lego):
    -Yellow Jetrax
    -Jetrax T6
    -Axalara T9
    -Rockoh T3
    -All the Agents sets
    -Some Racers Tiny Turbos
    The real reason i made this entry? Umm, I don't know. Well, I got my Main account on Neopets back, and I'm trying to see If I can enjoy it again. (If anyone on there is lending FQD, ZDAP, Gray, etc. Free, PM me. I've got a 33 Month old account with retired avatars and whatnot, plus a Level 18 Kougra. I'm not risking getting iced.)
    I'm hoping I can finally get over to TRU tomorrow morning to get Icarax and Gali....
    Oh, and if you get the reference from the Entry Name, you win.
  9. Rho
    Seriously, it is.
    I fell asleep when I was watching it on the premiere day.
    From what I understand, some poor girl gets to go to some band camp where members of a famous band work, she writes songs, lies, falls in love, or some stuff like that, I'm usually either sleeping at this point, Or i've changed the channel.
    The songs weren't that great either. "Too Cool" and "We Rock" were the only decent ones in the movie.
    Demi Lovato is really creepy...Her mouth is huge. o.0 And she's got too many teeth. Shenever she'd smile, it just creeped me out...
    There is one reason why this movie is so popular. Not Demi. Not because it's Disney.
    All the fangirls flipped out and went all 'OMG CAMP ROCK PREMIERES TONIGHT!!!!! JONAS BROTHERS!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!! CAMP ROCK PARTY!!! OMG!!!!!!"
    Seriously, the night it premiered, one of my friends who's obsessed with the Jonas Brothers flipped out and acted like the N64 Kid.
    It's honestly not that great. it's just High School Musical: Camp Edition.
    They even have two sequels planned already.
    And they have cups, napkins, and shirts as well.

    Demi's fame is all thanks to the Jonas Brothers and Camp Rock. Otherwise, nobody would know who she is.
    In other news, I'm going to head down to TRU in the morning and buy Gali Mistika and Icarax (for whatever reason, I never purchased him before. o_0). If they don't have either for some reason, I'll get Rockoh T3. If they have no Rockoh, I'll either leave, or look at Agents sets.
    Or see if they have any Code Lyoko merchandise.
    Currently, I've got Bitil being owned by Matoro Mahri, Jaller Mahri, Hahli Mahri, Kongu Mahri, Tahu Mistika, and a Hahnah Crab. =D
    Yeah, I bought extras of all but Hewkii and Nuparu Mahri (they didnt have them) at a grocery store for $6 each. I couldn't refuse, especially with Jaller. I need more System Chains.. And Hahli for the wings. Kongu for the parts. Matoro because I felt like owning a dead character. xD
  10. Rho
    -blows dust off blog-
    Well, It's yet again the time when all BZP members get premier perks for a week.
    After it's over, I might actually get around to purchasing membership. :/
  11. Rho
    If you can give me an image of a "SHOOP DA WHOOP" High School Musical, you will get a reward.
    You know what I mean? The shoop da whoop face on one of the characters. Then firing the lazer or whatever.
    I just want one. i don't care if it's Troy, Gabriella, Sharpay, or even Sharpay's DOG.
  12. Rho
    Profiles of Characters from The Mana Nui War- My Epic- Members of The Evil Group, The Brotherhood.
    Color Scheme:Carapar Brown/Yellow, Black, and Yellow
    Height:6ft 7in
    Mask: Khramar, The Mask of Mutation. Can Make an Object temporarily mutate.
    Weapon(s): Chainsaw Staff
    Quote: "Nival, Leave It To Me- The stupid Toa just needs to get us the mask- Then we mug him. Simple as that. You Fly Above and Steal the Mask- I'll Kill Him."
    Description:A Black and yellow evil, tall being with Rust-Colored Armor, Carakuta is very cruel and greedy. When he came into existence, He was immediately recruited for the Brotherhood.
    He is responsible for the Mutation of the Le-Kono Flood Waters.
    Color Scheme: Black, Gunmetal Gray, Silver
    Height:6ft 4in
    Weight: 234lb
    Mask:Nival does not have a mask.
    Weapons: ClawSword, Gun
    Quote: "Carakuta, What the ###### makes you think something different will happen if we put on the Mask?"
    Description:A bird-like Rahi mutated into a Toa-like body- and given the mind of an evil Brotherhood member. Nival has many Bird-Like Instincts. With his ability to fly, It is easy for him to kill enemies.
    He joined the Brotherhood after his mutation.
    That's all for now.
  13. Rho
    I noticed that I bought the following "groups" at specific stores:
    Barraki: Bought all at TRU
    Small Sets: Bought All at TRU
    Mahri: Bought all at WalMart
    Titans (no store exclusives); Bought all at Target
    Weird coincidences.
  14. Rho
    Now I Realize that it's too hard to trust anyone these days.
    Because you'll trust them with something
    then they go and ruin the surprise..
  15. Rho
    Tomorrow will be fun.
    Power out all during the school day, All the teachers are substitutes, and it's "pajama day"
    I'm looking forward to tomorrow.
  16. Rho
    Today, Brawl would have been released- but it was delayed.
    So yeah, that's this morning's entry.
    I added a new spam topic to the Library. And look at the lolwhat picture in the first content block. Plus, I Need votes for the Who Would Win one...
    ok bye
  17. Rho
    ..no. No. Nickelodeon. What is wrong with you? You put up a Catscratch Happy meal Promo, then cancel the show during the Promotion.. This is one of their best Nicktoons (Up there in the Top 3 with Invader Zim and KaBLaM!)
    It's better than Spongebob by far. Spongebob is getting old. Cancel Spongebob. Not Catscratch.
    Please, Nick, renew it for at least 2 more seasons.
    Anyone agree?
  18. Rho
    Yes everybody, it's the 1st Blog BBC Contest in my blog.
    For this contest, I'm asking you to build a Key. Not a key you use to get into a house or a cage, or something. I'm talkin' about a keyblade. The famous weapon from the Kingdom Hearts series of video games. (2 for ps2, 2 for Mobile, 1 for GBA, 1 for DS, 1 for PSP).
    I don't care if you make it tiny. I don't care if it's lifesize. Just make it any keyblade that's in the game, no made-up ones. If you want pictures to inspire you, google keyblade and look under Images. But be sure to give me the pic you based it off of.
    1 1st Prize Winner will recieve a code for $5 off their purchase of $35 or more at LEGOshop.com, and a special PBZP of them!
    2 2nd Prize winners will recieve a guest star spot in my epic "Bionicle Meets Kingdom Hearts"!
    3 3rd Prize Winners will recieve cheats of a video game of their choosing.
    and 5 Runner-ups will recieve a special picture. (No, nothing bad, don't worry)
    1.ONLY use Technic and System! No Megablocks, no Knex, no Clickits (sorry), nothing non-LEGO.
    2.MOC must be 80% Technic AT LEAST. If it's any more than that, you're disqualified.
    3.No cheating or stealing other MOCs.
    4.No Painted Parts.
    5.Have fun!
    Entry period begins Wednesday, November 21,2007 at 1:00PM PST and ends on Saturday December 1st at 11:00AM PST.
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