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Blog Entries posted by Rho

  1. Rho
    First, i'll be posting like this at random times. Yeah.
    Here are short descriptions of Kids/Teachers of mine. Inspiration? Shine.
    Teacher:Kinda good. She lets us drink Gatorade and stuff.
    Nate:Thinks he's Hannah Montana, and other artisits. And TIMMAY.
    Lupe:Hispanic girl with weird accent. Acts like she's 6.
    Ryan(formerly.):Rants About Tartar Sauce.
    Madeleine:Not the friend mentioned in a previous entry. Rarely talks.
    Lester:Big dude, Who randomly blurt out "yayy bay" in the middle of class once.
    Brandon: Tall kid, Held back.
    Courtney:Now my friend..Thinks I'M hannah montana...
    Tammana: She thinks there's a bomb in Wal-Mart.
    Nani:Rarely Talks.
    Emma:Overhyper girl.
    Chuy:Friend. In love with a chair.
    Jose:Weird Kid.
    Britney:See Sophia.
    Tony:Nerdy kid, Possible BZPer.. Saw him readin CoTL Once.
    Graciela: No Comment.
    Selena: Dunno, never talk to her
    Rakan:His sister's name is funny (Can't post it on BZP)
    Stephanie:Some Gothic Girl
    Adrian:Never makes sence.
    Teacher:Don't get me started.......GAHHH. I HATE him..Way too strict. Unreasonable.
    Kids: Same.
    P.E. (once a week)
    Teacher:Pretty awesome, but she owes me a Pepsi..
    Computer Lab (once a week)
    Teacher:Abnoxious voice. Annoying. Thinks BZP is a innapropriate site..
    5th Period (Study Hall)
    Teacher:See MAth/Science
    Dominique:Female Human Form of Krekka. Do i need to say any more than that?
    Robert:He will do ANYTHING for food.
    Alyssa:Friend. Annoying sometimes.
    And other kids im too lazy to name right now
    6th Period (Cultures)
    Kendra:Looks like she's 8. "Teacher's Pet"
    Roy:Thinks i'm irish
    And other kids that i'm too lazy to post
    My school is filled with weird people.
    And yes, i found Krekka's Human Form.
    edit: i forgot the tag things
  2. Rho
    lol im gonna freeze peoples now
    -freezes all the spammers, evil dudes, annoying kids at school, and random people-
    3600 Posts in not even 2 Years.
    I must have some record.
    Oh yeah, Next month will be my 2 year anniversary on BZP!
    I remember waiting for 2 weeks to post a topic. XD
    I'll write some significant stuff in my BZP history thing then.
  3. Rho
    I'm posting this entry at a COMPusa.
    That's just so awesome, escept the computer sucks...
    -tries to get on aim-
    So yeah, i better get going... I'd rather not get stuck in here >.<
    I swear, im using a demo computer (Windows Vista i think) at my local COMPUSA.
    Woot. GO ME!!!!!
  4. Rho
    Im making this BZP mosaic thing,t o tryt o find more BZPers..and i now think another kid is a BZPer.
    Anyone here Berhane?
  5. Rho
    ************ (7:15:06 AM): bzpower
    Spleak (7:15:06 AM): Welcome to Loserville, party of me. Yep. I have no idea what you're talking about. This is, however, not your fault. Remember, I am a robot-in-progress. Go ahead and try a different topic... I bet I'll have something witty to say in the very near future...
  6. Rho
    My god.
    My school is giving me math problems in my math homework at a 5th grade level.
    I'm not complaining! Better grades
  7. Rho
    This weekend or so i'll start a pic comic series... The Adventures of Matoro and Kongu or something..idk.
  8. Rho
    Never go into a BK after ordering through a Drivethru and get ketchup and a refill. The people will be amd at you.
    half asleep.
  9. Rho
    im one of many thats a bit dissapointed i the new rule
    oh well..it may be for good. but i am going to miss being able to do insane noobish things in spittys blog
    thank god, now only if chatspeak was illegal in general
  10. Rho
    Barry hit 756 last night. Yayness. I say he should go all the way to 800 before retiring.. i liked his comment on ESPNnews when they asked him whats next.. "baseball, (since the word he used will probably offend some people, and its probably filtered, so ill change it.) Heck yeah!"
    i dont want back to school school smellz
    then agagin, BTS shopping can get me some cool tshirts and ds games and stuff
    speaking of which, i need to get a PS2 soon.
  11. Rho
    -How to make a coke bottle explode
    -how to make genuine snowballs.
    -you will get weird looks if you run around a grocery store on a shopping cart singing party like a rockstar
    -it is hard to explain to people how to use aimexpress.
    -Burger King employees often refer to the names of simpsons characters wrong. (like for example, they said they had Matt Groening! what the heck?)
    -When you are at the drivethru of a resteraunt for half an hour while the employees dound like they're just playing a video game, just be patient.
    -Do not trust little girls with poppers.
    -dont fall for jokes supposed friends are playing on you to get back at one of their friends and then end up with the person they were pretending to be angry at you.
    -calling preppy-emo girls with a Arnold Schwartsanegger soundboard can result in cannabilism threats.
    -do not tell your freind that you are chuck norris.
    -Walamrt has a totally cool Chuck Norris tshirt.
    -Russ Cargill doesnt look anything like his BK figurine in the movie
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «RUSS CARGILL IS KILLED BY MAGGIE REAL spoiler there.
    -pickle juice and tropical punch koolaid can create pretty realistic-looking blood
    -do not call burger king at 12pm
    -do not put on some weird mask and put ketchup on yourself.
    -Linkin Park songs+HSM songs do not mix
    plus many more thingsssss.
    i watched some of the simpsons mvoei. not in theaters.....
  12. Rho
    My Overall ratings..
    Ones i have:
    Ones i dont have yet:
    Once i get Kongu and Matoro ill write little minireviews for each of them. Untill then, i have my Hewkii review to be posted in.
  13. Rho
    As i studied the many species found in a grocery store, i wrote down observations. here ar eth especies:
    Screaming Children:This species is normally screaming for whatever reason-not getting candy, pain, etc.
    To avoid these, wear earplugs.
    Aisle Blockers:This species will usually block an aisle whilst they discusss something or they just leave their cart there.
    To avoid these, push away their cart.
    Loud people:These people jabber on their cellphones loudly. For advice, see "Screaming Children".
    Oferfuilled carts:These people fill their carts with nearly everything in the store, therefore clogging up cashier lines.
    Bad Baggers;The people who are hired to mag your purchases. They usually are bad at it. To avoid, bag your own stuff.
    Those are only a few.
  14. Rho
    Status report.
    It has been about a month since my quest to find the Toa Mahri has begun. Asking the humans at stores such as Walamrt, Kmart, Target, and TRU has given me nothing but annoyance and lies. The intelligence of some of them appears to be low. Where are these Toa.I must find them. As i type i am on hold with Walmart. I am in hope that i will speak with someone who willg ive me good, truthful news of the Mahri being seen and capture two or so for me.
    My hunt has ventured into other coounties.
    My search will hopefully soon be over.
  15. Rho
    1.I have no clue where to go in love. >.<
    2.grr. kamrt lied.
    3.---------- (2:09:55 AM): so i here u guys like mudkipz
    kaylabenfart (2:10:44 AM): mudkipz?
    ------------- (2:10:50 AM): YA RLY
    kaylabenfart (2:11:11 AM): ok.
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