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Blog Entries posted by Rho

  1. Rho
    After last year's June 6 freakout, We have July 7, 2007.
    Heck, it might actually be lucky.
    And the friend i mentioned before wasnt the kid arrested. Though he claimed eh rthrew lit firecrackers into two classes at my school.
    post comentz :tohu:
  2. Rho
    -----(10:12:29 PM): BZPOwer
    SmarterChild (10:12:29 PM): funny.
    -----(10:12:35 PM): bzpower
    SmarterChild (10:12:36 PM): what do u mean by that?
    ------ (10:12:47 PM): BZpower.com...
    SmarterChild (10:12:47 PM): i wonder why u say that.
    brakelatabasaasta feed me.
  3. Rho
    lol, ivebeelooking back at my posts as a newbie... XD
    man, was i crazy. i went insane when someone said there wouldnt be Lego Nintendo. XD
  4. Rho
    im sleepy.
    its 2:30AM. Wow.
    Longest ive stayed up since i was 6.
    I keep having optical illusions of the AIM icon bouncing.
  5. Rho
    I think one of my friends was arrested. He said he was going to set off fireworks at oen fo the schools, and i just saw soemthing on the news saying a 13 year old boy was arrested for setting off fireworks at a school. Where fireworks are illegal.
    dun dun dun.
    or it could have been the other one who claimed he has 5 big fireworks thingies he was gonna sety off at once.
    I dunno. I'll find out soon enough.
    burrrn the school
  6. Rho
    This is extremely importtant. I need your help
    Buy the DS browser, or wait and buy a wii first?
    speaking of games, i plan to get some cheap used ps2 with KH and KH2, then im saving up for a wii as we speak, then ill save up for a PSP, then maybe get an xbox 360 for christmas.
    Yes, im a gamer. But i'm not a nerd.
    Anyone who says all gamers are nerds must think all goodlooking people arent intelligent.
    post commentz
  7. Rho
    well, things have gone worse since my last update.
    first off, i had my first "inlove" ness i nearly a year.
    It's this very random (like me ) girl, ok looking, she was in my 6th period class. When she found out i liked her, she started ignoring me, and her friends kept telling me she liked me, just to emss with me :angry:
    So then i give up once i find out she discriminate speople.
    Then, i like her best friend, who kept saying she loved me. Of course, this was a joke.
    Moving along.
    Then, there was another girl, similar to the one i mentioned a while back in a previous entry, and of course, this is obviously bad news. She was against me in every way possible, even if we were friends.
    then i gave up at the end of the year dance. Which is when i liked another girl friend. She was just my type- beautiful, funny, athletic. Then, she starts to hate me for some reason. She says its because i drive her crazy... But i still ahve my suspicions she likes me, due to comments ive found while looking at her friend's profiles on another site. Even though i dont really like her, id still go out with her.
    She keeps telling me about her friend who is going into "8th grade" at my school in the fall, says shes just my typpe, better than her, so im convicned. she makes a acccount on a site, and requests me. and then i found out the other day on AIM with her friend that she isnt going into 8th, shes going into 7th. And she CLAIMS she is a model, and i highly doubt it. She seems a bit too obsessed with me..
    Also, there was another girt who seemed to really like me, so i email her telling her ill give her a chance, and she replies and says "who said i like you i dont!"
    i reply and say "ahem. you. and your friends."
    "it was justa joke"
    so yeah. im a bit balanced right nbow. i dont know where to gfrom here. ill decide in august whenm school gets back in.
    listneing to while posting this:Ocean Avenue-Yellowcard, Simple and Clean-Utada Hikaru
  8. Rho
    After almsot a year of this gathering dust, I have turned $7.50 into badnwith.
    I will now post random things. And this will soon be awesomeness.
    I hopefully will be able to gather some more proto... i have like 2 boosts away from being an POBZPC
    post comentz
  9. Rho
    My cereal was nice to me this morning.
    It gave me 6 Free Songs!
    -hugs Cinnamon toast Crunch Box-
    Listening to: Everybody's Fool- Evacscence

  10. Rho
    Last night, My cat went into a Tree, and was having a blast. Not up high- The neighbor kids decided to mess with him. He bit a peice of a branch and spit it at them!
    One of them said "It's just a cat." That made me so want to punch her.
    Then, just a little while ago, I was looking for him, and he comes FLYING from across the street and nearly runs over the annoying dog that wanders around the neighborhood. (That annoying girl's dog)
    They thought it was an owl. o_0
    I put him on the Back of one of my dad's cars, and had to hold him down since he was trying to attack the evil little kids and the dog! XD
    So i took him in, Gave him Cat Food, and brought him upstairs...
    That cat is CRAZY.
    I went to TRU today, and got Kongu. I could have gotten Nuparu, but they didn't have him. I aked someone in the Lego Area, He told me to go to Coustomer Service. So I did, and told the girl there the Number, The Color, and everything, she said all that comes up is "Inika". o_0
    A Manager said that they'd egt a Truck in later today and there should be some more.
    I hope they'll have Axonn and the other Two Playsets as well as Nuparu... I could wake up early in the morning and work to get a Playset, Axonn,Brutaka, oir V&F...
    Anyway, I just got Kongu I'm dissapointed in his color scheme.. Pretty much All Green... Some Teal would have been cool.... Or some other color. Barely any silver..
    Uh oh... Better save up to be premier soon... Only a few days left..
  11. Rho
    My Cat constanly hisses, growls, etc. at the Evil Neighbor Kids. He Even once honked the car hornm! They fell over and began laughing...
    I'm gettign alot of comments...
  12. Rho
    Here are my ideas for a KH2- KH3 filler, plus of course KH3 Plot, all thought of by me, As I promised in the OKHT.
    KH2-KH3 Filler:
    System (s): Nintendo DS, PSP
    Name: Royal Kidnappings
    Plot: After Sora and Riku arrive back on the Destiny Islands, all seems well and normal, Untill a Letter arrives from the King saying that Donald, Goofy, Queen Minnie, Daisy, and himself were kidnapped.
    Sora, with Riku and Kaiirr, set out on a journey..
    Incredibles World (The Incredibles (2004))
    Party Member: Mr.Incredible
    Boss: Syndrome
    Narnia (The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, And the Wardrobe
    Party Member: Peter
    Boss: White Witch
    New York (American Dragon: Jake Long)
    Party Member: Jake
    Boss: Huntsclan
    Middleton (Kim Possible)
    Party Member: Kim
    Boss: Drakken
    Udrogoth (Dave the Barbarian)
    Party Member: Fang (Dave is too wimpy )
    Boss: Chuckles
    Port Royal {Pirates of the Carrebian: Dead Mans Chest)
    Party Member: Jack Sparrow
    Boss: ???
    Sky High (Sky High)
    Party Member: Will
    Boss: Warren Peace
    San Fransisco (Full House)
    Party Member: Michelle
    Boss: Kimmy Gibbler
    That's all for now... Hunter Nuva is sleepy and has a headache...
  13. Rho
    I hope this caught your eye.
    Here's a Exclusive Picture of an WIP MOC I'm working on! What is it? Guess right and get a Cookie!

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