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Blog Entries posted by Rho

  1. Rho
    gah, so many..blogs.. i just climbed out of them. I was drowing.
    anywayz. comment. kthanx
  2. Rho
    Don't let no small frustration
    Ever bring you down
    No no no no
    Just take a situation
    And turn it all around
    With a new attitude everything can change
    Make it how you want it to be
    Statin bout
    Why do that Give youself a break
    Laugh about it and you'll see
    Life's what you make it
    So lets make it rock
    Lifes what you make it
    So come on come on (everybody now)
    Why be so broken hearted
    Theres so much to do
    Yeah yeah yeah yeah
    Life is hard core
    Its a party
    The choice is up to you
    With a new attitude everything can change
    Make it how you want it to be
    Statin bout
    Why do that Give youself a break
    I know you wanna party with me
    Life's what you make it
    So lets make it rock
    Lifes what you make it
    So come on come on
    Lets celebrate it
    Join in everyone
    You decide
    Cause life's...what you make it
    Things looking up
    Any time you want
    All you gotta do is realize that
    Its under your control
    So let the good times rock and roll
    Da da da do it now
    Yeah yeah yeah
    Yeah yeah
    Life's what you make it
    So lets make it rock
    Lifes what you make it
    So come on come on (everybody now)
    Lets celebrate it
    Join in everyone
    You decide
    Cause life's...what you make it
    Life it what you make it
  3. Rho
    I wandered into a toy store yesterday, to find they had BARELY any lego at all.
    No luck at all. Whats going on/
    EDIT:Kmart says that they got the mahri, but they will unpack them tomorrow. so in the morning im going to hope for soem mahri.
  4. Rho
    i beat it
    it still says "55% complete"
    I was dissapointed in the final battle- i thought id fight makuta, not all 6 piraka. and the ending's quality was horrible.
  5. Rho
    lolz, spider pig
    i want to see it in thaters, not wait for the DVD.
    maybe, just maybe i can get someone to go with me.. this girl i really like, luckily her best friend is helping me out...so yay
    Simpsons Movie looks awesome.....
  6. Rho
    gah, the TRU on hold music is terrible. and it old the woman i was looking for "the new line of the lego bionicle sets, the line is called the M-A-H-R-I, the set numbers range between 8910 and 8915" and the woman said "yeah we have bionicles but i need a set number"
    the operator at kmart was VERY hyper o.0
    and traget and walmart wont have the mahri untill august
    their loss
  7. Rho
    Gah, that was torture having BZP offline for about 2 or 3 days.
    aAnyway, i broke up with that one girl. Yeahh.
    And starting Tomorrow, im going to have Charactyer of the week.. it could be from a show, video game, or movie.
  8. Rho
    i cannot egt that pokemon theme out of my head >.<
    oh, and:
    SmarterChild (1:05:52 AM): what up?
    ------------ (1:06:03 AM): I WANNA BE THE VERY BEST LIKE NOONE EVER WAS
    SmarterChild (1:06:03 AM): r u sure u want 2 be the very best like no one ever was?
    ----------- (1:06:07 AM): YA RLY
    SmarterChild (1:06:07 AM): (edited out)
    --------- (1:06:13 AM): WAT
    SmarterChild (1:06:13 AM): i dunno, sorry.
    >>> i can't do your homework for u, but i can help. type homework.
    --------- (1:06:20 AM): ITS SUMMER
    SmarterChild (1:06:20 AM): is it summer?
    --------- (1:06:31 AM): IM GLAD YOU'RE NOT ON BZP
    SmarterChild (1:06:31 AM): what's that?
    --------- (1:06:35 AM): BZPOWER..
    SmarterChild (1:06:35 AM): huh?
    ----------- (1:06:40 AM): BZPOWER.COM
    SmarterChild (1:06:40 AM): i wonder why u say that.
    ----------- (1:06:47 AM): BZP IS BZPOWER.COM
    SmarterChild (1:06:47 AM): funny.
    ------------ (1:06:52 AM): >.>
    SmarterChild (1:06:52 AM): i wonder why u say that.

  9. Rho
    wootwoot go national leauge
    That double play just a little while ago was awesome./ I have a feeling the game will be delayed due to rain.
    But i wish i was there >.<
    sadly, e3 2007 is on the same time as the allstar game :angry:
  10. Rho
    I wish i was there.
    Im watching it right now, and all these people in the bay. -waits for one of them to fall-
    I think they could have picked a cooler band to play...
    I hope the NL wins this year...
    I wonser how many baseballs are at the bottom of the bay....
  11. Rho
    So far, no luck. just really weird people, like this dude who thought i wanted a PC. o.0
    Really, how could someone get PC out of "i was wondering if you hjaave a certain lego bionicle set in stock, the set number is 8911"
    So far, noluck. D=
    And E3 is coming up, i hope they give us cool info. If it was closer, id try to go.
    And then there's the Allstar game tomorrow...i hope the NL wins finally...
    and tonight be the home run derby thing, and that usually bores me.
    And m starting something next week- SSBB newcomer of the say, where i make a fake newcomer and post it.
  12. Rho
    Umm..apparently i used leet in one of the previous enteries... i think it wa s amisunderstanding.. i dont wanna lose proto. Im only two away from becoming a POBZPC. I wanna be a good boy.
    anyway, im having semi-insomia lately, so im staying up untill 2am. rather cool.
    And right now my relationship status.. im confused.
  13. Rho
    lol, ivebeelooking back at my posts as a newbie... XD
    man, was i crazy. i went insane when someone said there wouldnt be Lego Nintendo. XD
  14. Rho
    im sleepy.
    its 2:30AM. Wow.
    Longest ive stayed up since i was 6.
    I keep having optical illusions of the AIM icon bouncing.
  15. Rho
    I think one of my friends was arrested. He said he was going to set off fireworks at oen fo the schools, and i just saw soemthing on the news saying a 13 year old boy was arrested for setting off fireworks at a school. Where fireworks are illegal.
    dun dun dun.
    or it could have been the other one who claimed he has 5 big fireworks thingies he was gonna sety off at once.
    I dunno. I'll find out soon enough.
    burrrn the school
  16. Rho
    This is extremely importtant. I need your help
    Buy the DS browser, or wait and buy a wii first?
    speaking of games, i plan to get some cheap used ps2 with KH and KH2, then im saving up for a wii as we speak, then ill save up for a PSP, then maybe get an xbox 360 for christmas.
    Yes, im a gamer. But i'm not a nerd.
    Anyone who says all gamers are nerds must think all goodlooking people arent intelligent.
    post commentz
  17. Rho
    After almsot a year of this gathering dust, I have turned $7.50 into badnwith.
    I will now post random things. And this will soon be awesomeness.
    I hopefully will be able to gather some more proto... i have like 2 boosts away from being an POBZPC
    post comentz
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