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Blog Entries posted by Rho

  1. Rho
    Today, while going home from school, i find a sign in the sidewalk. I pick it up, then a few minutes later, some old guy pulls over and says "PUT IT BACK", So i say "Okay.." and put it back, then ge says (PUT IT BACK WHERE YOU FOUND IT!". So i say "I did, it was over here.." He says "PUT IT BACK OR ILL CALL THE COPS ON YOUR -censored-" I say 'Dude, i'm serious, it was here."
    He drives off saying "Allright, I'll call the cops!"
    First off, he had no right to be demanding this from me, it was likely not his sign, and he isn't a figure of authority (and speaking to me like that isn't such a good idea.)
    I wonder what he'll say to the cops, seeing as how i was on foot and he doesn't know who i am.
    Seriously, some people are so ignorant.
    But the good news is i'll likely never see him again.
  2. Rho
    My school had a fire drill today because of the SD fires. and we're HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of miles away from it >.>
    Today at school i had a laserpointer, 2 Rejected Banners (printed out) and a spoon. Good times.
  3. Rho
    Today, I printed out 2 Rejected Banners, and i rejected people. In total i rejected 15 people. Then one of my Friends stole both of them from me, and i have no idea what she did with them.
    I wish i had my camera, then i would have taken a picture of her holding up the rejected banner and posted it here
  4. Rho
    Today, some little kid ran past my homeroom screaming "THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!" then he threw his math book at some other kid. XD
    Not even joking.
  5. Rho
    In 5th Period, a Study-Hall like thing, i finished my math, and was getting it checked off so i could do my English homework. I had to ARGUE with the assistant person for about 15 mintues on this problem:
    ? -3/8= 5/8
    She Demanded that it wasn't 1, then i had to constantly repeat myself before she finally got it... >.>
    So guess who won?
    (the ? mark means you had to put the fraction that it would be, which would be 8/8, and 8/8 reduced is 1)
    -waits for an i agwee banner to be posted-
  6. Rho
    Pheonix Wright
    Franchise: Ace Attourney
    First Appearance: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
    Why?:Why not? That's what i say. Ever since someone brought it up in the Official SSB Topic, i've liked this idea. This anime-style attourney has been in about 3 hit games so far. Many owuld like this idea, including me. That's all i have to say on that.
    Appearance: A 3D version of him would be..interesting. But it would be horrible if he was the anime-ish version used in the games.
    Moveset: Well, I'm not used to the Movesets of SSB. I'm just getting into it, but i'll simply say moves would include yelling "OBJECTION", and using those hammer-things judges use.
    Final Smash: "Court Dismissal"- PHeonix Grows huge, points his finger at his opponents, yells "OBJECTION", which causes alot of damage, then he takes a large Judge Hammer and smashes it down onto the characters, adding alot more damage. Yee!
    So yeah, i'll make a content block with these soon.
  7. Rho
    Well, i was bored. So i took out a blender, and put in stuff like ham, pickles, yogurt, salt, whipped cream, salad mix, etc into a blender, with other weird stuff, including fire sauce, then i turned the blender on. It was all goopy. So i poured it in a cup, then went outside. 2 of the evil neighborhood children were outside. They asked me what it was, so i told them it was a new type of dip, and then they came out with chips..then they tasted it.. They ran inside their house, and i haven't seen them since.
    Then i just poured it in the street, it looked like someone barfed. then the most evil of the neighborhood children came out, and was playing around in the street, and stepped in it, and she thought it was barf, and ran around in circles screaming.
    Oh, the fun of being a teen.
  8. Rho
    1.Kongu, Hahli, and Hewkii's names are never mentioned
    2.The song doesnt fit well with the minimovie
    3.Hahli is almost never in the Minimovie
    5.Kongu and Hahli just vanish
    6.There are no Barraki, Hydruka, or Mahritoran
    7.Matoro does almost nothing
    8.The spotlight is mainly on Jaller, which makes it boring
    9.The Mahri only fight with their cordak blasters (Not counting Matoro's ship-thing)
    10.Some of the characters have accents, which doesnt make it Bionicle-ish
    11.You can barely understand the Mahri when they speak
    12.The Mahri never hit one of the Takea Sharks with their cordak
    13.They could have picked a better song..
  9. Rho
    The show is almost nothing like the book. MRS JEWELS HAS PINK HAIR.
    Myron is black (no offence if somehow it offends anyone).
    Kidswatter isn't rude, he's just stupid.
    Louis has BLUE HAIR!
    and weirdest of all, the school looks nothing like it did in the cover art for the books!
    lol what
  10. Rho
    Here are my ideas..
    Tanma's Mask in Red. Metru Red+Yellow. Red Round Inika Feet. Flame Sword, etc
    Regular Inika Body, Gold Carapar Shoulder/Leg Armor
    Solek's bask In Blue. Blue Clawed Inika Feet. Blue and Light Blue, etc
    ONUA:Black Pridak Feet.Photok's Mask in Black, etc
  11. Rho
    And i drew Tahu, Gali, and Onua 08 ideas..but they well..suck. They were doodles after a Test. My Idea includes Onua with Photok's Mask, andBlack Pirdka Feet, Tahu with Tanma's Mask, And Red+Yellow, Gali with SOlek's Mask, etc
  12. Rho
    IMAGE OF "Mama" Unavailable.
    Franchise: Cooking Mama
    First Appearance: Cooking Mama
    Why?:Why not? We need more females..and her glares as moves=awesome
    Appearance:Obviously, a 3D Version of Herself.
    Moveset:Moves can involve kitchen utensils, her glares, etc
    Final Smash: Since most people's ideas of her FS are like Kirby's, then id say various ingredients raining down, and her attacking with large utensils.
    I know this one is short...anyone have a good pic of the character?
  13. Rho
    I couldn't hold it in, here are my thoughts on the 08 sets.

    Pohatu's..allright. The weapons look interesting- the mask is horrible. But however, we have good MOCing peices such as the Orange Jaller Mahri Feet, Orange Piraka Upper Leg Armor, and a Gray Kongu Mahri Body. 7.5/10

    NOO! From what i can tell, he again has a mask with a telescopic eye, there's outofplace red, and it looks to me like a Hahli Inika Body with a few modifications. And are those WINGS!?!?!!?!?!?

    So no Dark Green? In that case, they should have fixed the lime green issue. >.> The weapon looks interesting, and the mask looks pretty cool. Also, it's great to have Mantax Feet in another color. The Launchers look like the best yet. 8/10

    One Word: AWESOME. This guy looks menacing, almost as much as the Piraka or Barraki. Sadly, i can't see much of him from these pictures. 9/10

    Hhmm..Interesting. Another menacing one. Is this one gonna be female? But..what the heck is the red thing in it's stomach? 7.5/10

    Oooh. From what i can see, he's got some nice armor and such..I can;t see much more from that pic. 8/10

    Small Sets are getting better. We now have a NEW Mask, NEW Arms/Legs, and of coruse, the jackpot- ORANGE NUVA/OLDA FEET. What's bad? Recycled weapons. 8/10

    I like the mask on this one, i can see it being used in Turaga MOCs. Nothing else to really say... 7/10

    A coincidence here is that the Air Matoran has weapons shaped like the Air Katana.. And are those new hands? They look good.. 8/10

    This one is good. The Face is pretty cool, and i could use some more Matoro Mahri Claw peices.
    And this guy has WINGS. NEW Wings. 9/10

    This obviously isn't a matoran. Therefore, we should expect Summer Small Sets. Onto the set itself, It's great Mata Blue is coming back, but it should only be a secondary color.. And I need some more Carapar Claws.. 8/10

    Spidermatoran, Spidermatoran, does whatever a spidermatoran does. Wait, i doubt this is a matoran. Highly unlikely, in fact. Regardless, the 4 Legs= Awesome, And the mask-like thing will be GREAT for MOCing. 9/10

    One Word: FAIL. I think a 10 year old designed this. Seriously Lego, you can do way better than this! It's basically a Barely Modified Hewkii Mahri on a thrown-together vehicle. Seriosuly, who designed this? If it's not a little kid who designed it, i'm dissapointed because i know the set designers have much more capability than this. If it's Over $20, I will not buy it. However, if it's $20 or under (How about $1?), I Will, ony for the MOCing parts and the Ignika.
    There are my thoughts. Check back when official Summer 2008 Pictures are released for more!
    (playets with minifigs with MOVING LEGS..PLEASE!)
  14. Rho
    ..I just realized tomorrow i get my Avhokki.
    And its also my friend's birthday.
    Eh, i guess i'll just get her a card or something....
  15. Rho
    Nope, not about 2008! Many entries right now are about the official 08 Winter Set pics. I will post my thoughts on them later in here. What's this entry about? This picture:

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