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Blog Entries posted by Rho

  1. Rho
    My Math teacher had the kids who didnt do their homework do it in the rain, then he forgot about them.
  2. Rho
    Well, here are descriptions of my WIP Toa Nuva MOCs.
    -Lesovikk's Mask
    -Metru green and Lime Green
    -Green Rahkshi Feet
    -2 Jaller Mahri Swords
    -Brown and MetruYellow
    -Dekar's Mask
    -Ehlek's Weapons
    -Metru Red and Orange
    -Jaller Mahri Mask
    -No Weapons Yet, but that will change, of course
    -Black and Gray
    -Whenua Metru's Mask, that will likely change
    -Takadox's Weapons
    -Mantax's Feet
    -Not Started
    -No mask yet, will change
    -No Weapons yet, will change
    -White and Transblue
    What do ya think of them so far? I only need a couple more peices on Lewa, and he's done.
  3. Rho
    I am possibly in one of the worst schools. I pay $5 for a Dance ticket, and the principal sees me and says i can't come, and its her fault she wasnt specific in an email to my mom. I couldnt go in because of grades. Because my current teachers are abnoxious and get me stressed so i cant focus, meaning bad grades. It's not as if the thing was free. It was a paid event. It's like saying someone cant go into a concert they paid for because they have a small minor criminal record. If i do not get my money back, i WILL contact the authorities. I am sick and tired of my district being like this to me. I should have been able to get in, no matter what my grades are. But no, I can't have a good time because my teachers are stressing me out and leading me to bad grades. I might need to have teachers switched, because both of my teachers are rude and annoying. I don't know how the expect me to suceed with that. I PAID for the ticket, I signed in. I should be in there right now. But NO. I have to have good grades AND 5 Bucks! I would understand is it was a free event. But it's not. I am a coustomer basically.
    They can expect me to show very low respect on Monday. I already have extremely low respect for my Math Teacher.
    I've been trying. The teachers stress me out, the math teacher's a premaddona (basically like celebrities who refuse to have brown M&Ms, etc.) I wish i had last year's teachers back, the Math teacher was better, if i did homework ona NAPKIN he probably would have accepted it. The English teacher was much kinder and less annoying.
    "I'm sorry, we want you to go have fun.."-Principal
    Then let me go. I paid for it already. Ditch the rule. If you want the rule so badly, make the dances free. They aren't even worth 5 bucks. They never play decent music.
    This whole thing changed my attitude. I have been calm with these people so far this year, but i think this set off my temper.
    They need to be reasonable. Every day, i await being able to come home and go on BZP, so i can be somewhere with intelligent staff.
    Sorry if this sounds flame-ish, please tell me and i'll tone it down when i calm down. I'm just very angry right now, and it was hard enough to keep this appropriate for BZP.
    I need a cheer-up..
  4. Rho
    "Now that it's raining more than ever
    Know that we still have each other
    You can stand under my Umbrella
    You can stand under my Umbrella
    (Ella ella eh eh eh)
    Under my umbrella
    (ella ella eh eh eh)
    Under my umbrella
    (ella ella eh eh eh)
    Under my umbrella
    (ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh) "
    Thankfully, the rain is here. It flooded one of the basketball hoops at school, and thats pretty awesome. Rain is great. It can be great for taking pictures of MOCs, and i'm working on a special Toa of Rain, possibly with the "Rusted" Lego Chain in my Piraka Stronghold..Speakig of which, im making my own P-S Alternate model, pics up soon. PBZP N is finished, and I'm, begenning PBZP M and O soon. (McSpit and Omicron)
    For anyone Curious, i have these PBZPs decided:
    K:Keyblade Wielder (duh. )
    T:Tohunga Matoro
    X:Xomernon (sorry if its misspelled)
    And other MOCs in progress include the Toa of Rain (as said above), a new Toa Team, and TOA NUVA REVAMPS
    I'll also have to enter AC15 soon.. And the dance is on friday, so yeah, woot.
  5. Rho
    Inspired by T-Hybrid.

    Franchise: Kingdom Hearts
    First Appearance: Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (On a Nintendo system)
    Why?: First off, CoM was a popular game on the GBA, one of the last big games for the GBA, and KH is a big franchise. Square Enix and Nintendo have been rather friendly lately, highering the possibilty. He would be awesome. You can't tell me seeing Sora fighting Snake, Pikachu, and Samus wouldn't be awesome. His moves would likely all involve the keyblade, and perhaps sometimes cards (due to the GBA game being CoM, which uses cards for 97% of the game or so) Perhaps he could pull a Pokemon Trainer and have Donald, Goofy, and Riku do a little bit of fighting for one of his moves as he steps into the background. Only for a little bit though.. He could also have his various forms to be used in the game. And of course, a Moogle Assist trophy wouldn't hurt..Axel? Oh heck yes. He could use the move he did before he died in KH2 as his attack as an AT. That would be my favorite AT.And of course, i'd love seeing Sora whacking various Pokemon with a keyblade.
    No, Mudkips aren't in the game, but They should be.
    And the stage could be the Destiny Islands..Or The Worls That Never Was..yes. TWTNW. YES.
    And the Music could be the Organization XIII Theme. So here's how i want KH to be in SSBB, if it gets anything. And Summons wouldn't hurt. AAnd FYI One of the companies involves in making SSBB is called "Sora", coincidentally.
    Music:Org. XIII Theme
    Moves: See above
    I can picture the "Sora joins the Brawl!" Movie now..
    Mario, Snake, and umm..i guess Samus are walking in TWTNW. Mario hears a noise, and turns making his "Wha?"-like noise, where Sora appears, and summons his keyblade. He prepares for battle, where it cuts to scenes of him whacking various characters with his keyblade, using cards, while playing the Org.XIII Theme, Simple And Clean, or something. He then gets into a sword fight with Link, and various other stuff, then showing his final smash and all that good stuff.
    Final Smash: Hmm..maybe turning into Final Form..Or cooler, "Keyhole Seal"- He takes his keyblade, and does his keyhole-seal thing, using the chaaacters like he'd use whatever item, like in KH2 he uses the icecream thing to. Then the characters get zapped by the light beam thing (Sorry for the wording XD) and sucke dinto the keyhole, then they get spit out, where Sora gives them a more pwoerful whack with the keyblade.
    Yes. Now Nintendo, reveal Sora. How about on Christmas? That'll be a good present.
    Cloud would be awesome, but yet impossible. D=
  6. Rho
    Weirder than the one in a previous entry.
    I was at some party where the Jonas Brothers tried to sell me car insurance or something like that.. What do i eat that causes these weird dreams?
  7. Rho
    It started after i got to school, where some parents and teachers made a tunnel-like thing me and the other 8th graders in my homeroom ran through and sat down, then we adjusted seats about 500 times, and the dudes told us we were going to play a game and had us jump up and yell "YEAH"! Then we had to do handshakes, then highfives, then hugs. Then we sat down, they told us stuff, then they had us go knee-to-knee with people we didn't know and talk about stuff, then touch elbows and dance...and then share our most embarassing moments..At this point, i'm like "lol what". Then, it got more serious. they had us sit around like a theater, when one of the staff peoples talked about this friend he had that was supportive, then she got shot and killed. They then talked about us not keeping alot of secrets and that stuff, then we got in groups, where i was with 2 parents, this kid thats a sort-of friend, a girl i barely know, and one of my friends. we had to share stuff that we didnt know about eachother, then give alot of hugs.. At this point they had us be behind a line in the gym, and told us to cross the line to the other side if we were jewish, been discrimated, been bullied, have had a family member that died, etc. And then they gave us sympathy- not many applied to me.. but some i felt really sorry for. One girl had no parents at all, one kid's dad is in India for a month, one girl is really poor, etc. And one of the staff people sounded like Carlos Mencia.
    One kid was crying because he said he misses his daughter. He's 13...
    In our groups, where by the way we got one 20 minute lunch break with horrid sandwiches, after the lunch and stuff, we had to share our experiences, and my friend who was in the group got sad and a bit emotional over one girl's story, so of course, i gave her a hug..we had to regardless, but an extra wouldn't hurt..It makes me realize that the stuff i can easily get depressed over is nothing compared to what some kids go through. We played a game with a giant inflatable ball, where at least 5 kids got OWNED. A kid seriously nearly flew across the room..
    An odd thing is one of my other friends started laughing all of a sudden, i asked her "What?" and she just kept laughing... It was weird nearly all day.
    At the end, it was the best, because you had to give/get at least 12 Hugs. I got about 20, only counting students. Other than that, about 22. Mainly the girls i hugged were friends, although the friend in my group i mentioned seemed to like me for more than a friend, which might help my decision on who to like next..The most random thing was that at least 2 girls i never saw before randomly came up to me. At least 3 hugged to hard. And about 10 of them surprised me.
    So it was a great day..No school, and the 7th Graders had to do some ropes course thing. And i think they said they continue it tomorrow.. but yeah, the end was the best. They should do Challenge Day more often.
    I'll post more stuff about it at some point, as well i'll make a comic, comedy chapter, etc based off of it.
  8. Rho
    Here you go. Inspired by Shine. I'll show up to 6 WIPs each week. Here are some to share:
    PBZP S
    Unnamed Currently
    PBZP N
    Unnamed Currently
    Unnamed, Might become Whenua Hordika Revamp
    Comment away, give advice on how to improve them, etc.
  9. Rho
    I know i will not be going to Longs again anytime soon. In fact, my dad will likely be talking to corprate.
    I went there last night (October 5th), planning to take advantage of a sale ending today.
    I found no Pepsi, and they refused to give me a rain check. REFUSED> I left my cart in the middle of the store and left angered. This was horrid service.
  10. Rho
    Last night i has one of the strangest dreams i've had in a while. It started with something happening like it began raining, and i was on BZP, to see i was a regular Member again, then Somehow i had a 08 Villan that looked like a mutated Bohrok (May have been memories of a NeoShifter). Then I somehow ended up in a weird mall, that has a WalMart in it, where i found my friend Brandon, then i somehow found Tohunga Matoro,who in the dream was Asian and had Blonde hair with green in it. o.0 Don't ask me why i dreamt that. Then i dont remember what happened, then I somehow ended up ina KH2 Sora Costume, and fromt hat point i think i woke up.

    I can have strange dreams.
  11. Rho
    They should relaly be paying ME for wearing their logo shirts. They charge me around $35 for their shirts that are basically advertising, so i say they should pay ME to wear them. That'd be so awesome. Get girls and get paid by a large clothing store at the same time.
    And why would i want to pay $80 for ripped up jeans?
    EDIT:Hollister's really cool ones are about $15....much better.
  12. Rho
    My School Rocks.
    Soon, we will be able to have LAPTOPS with WIRELESS INTERNET. That means BZP at school...even more. And it has cool stuff like Photobooth.. but what sucks is we can't use iTunes..
    We got to play around with them today...Photobooth ROCKS. I was able to get an emberrasing picture of one of my friends.. XD Too bad the internet was down... But when they're up, i can just go on BZP when the teacher is reading some boring story, then i will rant about it here, and the teacher will say "lol thats a bad site!!!!proto!!!"
    And today i sued "REJECTED" at least 10 times, and SALUTE THE REVOLUTION at least 5. And i was pretending my lacrosse stick was a keyblade, turned out to help my team win in PE. And i used it like a 1st Person Shooter game, didn't turn out so well.
    Then we had to solve a mystery about some old disease... blah
    But the BEST part of the day was the laptops.. I can NOT wait to using them.
    And it can run Windows XP... SO i can try to make music videos and stuff.
  13. Rho
    Since I didn't want to use a name with Sora in it, due to a member with a similar name. I didn't want to cause problems.
    So yeah, new name. New Month.
  14. Rho
    I want to change my name, but i have no clue what to change it to. I think i want to change it to something KH-related, but i have no idea what to change it to...Any suggestions?
    Please be serious.
  15. Rho
    I would like to apologize for the now-deleted entry with the obviously fake pictures and info of a "2008 Matoran".
    I never thought it would be dragged out this far. I thought it would be obvious that it's fake, and i even put "TIF", meaning This is Fake.
    Omi was right in his comment he posted in the now-deleted entry. I didn't base it off of a 08 Set name or Leaked picture.
    I would like to apologize to Greg, for having all those PMs asking if it's real. I didn't think anyone would PM him asking if it was real,since again, I thought people would know it's an Edit.
    And with the fake story, I knew nobody would fall for that, since it wasn't Greg's style, and nobody would fall for the Movie, seeing as how there's no movie in 2008.
    So again, i apologize to Greg and everyone who had to deal with this.
    And if anyone is curious, i built an MOC (it's truly Green and Lime Green) and Put it in photoshop, and changed the Hue/Saturation.
    Please don't take this out any further. I only did this as a obviously fake entry about it. If i wanted people to think it's real, i would have put it in the Sets forum..
    Again. Sorry.
    I will not do this in the future, except for April Fools Day.
  16. Rho
    Ciao gradico la torta e l'anello di formaggio è stato distruggere noi deve andare ai bordi di messaggio pieni di nuova gente e formarlo in modo da mangiano il cereale li ringraziano per il vostro tempo
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