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Rakun Riley

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Status Updates posted by Rakun Riley

  1. At the beach my aunt found a dying sea bird so we moved it by a log (it was near the road). 10-20 minutes later we went back and it was gone with some suspicious seagull prints lead to it.

  2. Well I had camp for two weeks (I'll tell you more about that when I get a PM capable computer), went to Texas for a week and the beach for another. Other than that I've been bored out of my mind!

  3. I meant in September...

  4. Of August XD I said starts, not started.

  5. school starts on the 7th. And he's fine... well... you know... as fine as he can be.

  6. Or little... whichever you prefer :P

  7. Aren't we all my fellow fox XD.

  8. What makes you feel like Amy Lee?

  9. Well what do plan on working as for a living?

  10. Not sure what that could be for your school...

  11. It must be a nightmare... Good luck though!

  12. Welcome to a majority of the teenage population.

  13. I said everything didn't I? Are most people in college around your age?

  14. Well the Wii's format won't let me post topics, PM or edit my sig. The AC Adapter to my laptop broke and the only other laptop in the house is owned by the hacker. Putting things together yet?

  15. In fact, all I can do is comment... I can't even change that bloody typo in my sig!

  16. I'm back! A certain someone hacked me on prety much everything... anyway I'm using my Wii to post this so I dont think I can PM you yet.

  17. Tis also my birthdate.

  18. I will ask questions, what's epic about 62? Aside from the fact that it's in my name ;)

  19. Haha well well I'll be darned! I was like... an hour older than this girl in my history class.

  20. Thanks for the late happy birthday love :P.

  21. Well either way it's how I intended it to be.

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