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Rakun Riley

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Status Updates posted by Rakun Riley

  1. It's not supposed to mean "My name is Cody." It's supposed to mean "His name is Cody."

  2. I know, but I'm not talking about myself, I'm talking about someone else.

  3. I have the hat for it :P.

  4. So you just made up pip pip and doodley do? You have a right to be angry...

  5. You know judging by your name I would think "Star Wars" would be listed somewhere in you interests... heh...

  6. Well you overreacted because if you're annoyed by a misundertanding as we all are annoyed by them, then you're fighting a losing battle. Just calm down, it's not something to get mad at me over.

  7. Well the reporting was the only thing that ticked me off, the pms I found amusing but the reports were unnecessary.

  8. I'm not taking it personal and I'm not offended, I just don't feel like having some guy who's 2 years older than me complain because I made a joke. I'm not offended. I just won't tolerate you.

  9. Jim is one of my favorite characters!

  10. Check out my sig. I'm just jumpin back and forth between work and BZP.

  11. Not really eager, but my room neds a good cleaning.

  12. Nothing, just cleaning my room, it's a bit messy so I have work to do! :D

  13. Oh yeah I remember you... hiya!

  14. I'll check. I'll put it in my sig!

  15. Well let's hope you get to the finals!

  16. I meant just an email :P.

  17. It sure is. Well I'm off to change the settings. Just a PM for comments from now on!

  18. Well I'm prone to carrying on conversations with people over PM, so I like to keep my email open in another tab, and it'll say when I have a PM, so I don't have to refresh every so often, or I can go on another site. Maybe I'll just have it email me for new comments.

  19. That too, I get and E-Mail for PMs, since I get a PM for every comment, from one comment I also receive a PM and an E-Mail.

  20. Well I get a PM whenever I get a comment. I don't get a comment when I get a PM. So I have don't have to go to my PM folder and profile.

  21. Well good luck with that :P.

    By the way, send me a PM instead of a comment next time you plan on using your really intimidating MOC to force me into something. They're easier to get to.

  22. I did I did. But you're not doing too well there ;).

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