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Rakun Riley

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Status Updates posted by Rakun Riley

  1. We'll see Overlord... we'll see :P.

  2. Darn you notice me drop in... ah well I'll post... Hm...

  3. Oh ha-ha... Not funny...

  4. Yep! But I took some Dramamene so I'm fine.

  5. I figured you did...

  6. I only delete my comments, so you're not the first one to comment on my profile :P.

  7. It's a Japanese Anime show dubed in English in the U.S. It's really... annoying so I don't watch it. Thanks for agreeing though.

  8. I was just giving him my valid reason that if he did do that, then we'd get confused. That's all.

  9. I never argued. I just said that if he posted stuff about Naruto, most of the stars of the comedy wouldn't get it. So I never really argued.

  10. Yeah I figured you could be unbanned if your ban was a request. Considering how you appearently never broke rules, I figured you just left. But it seemed you'd be back sooner or later. Welcome back!

  11. Well saying hi isn't really spamming...

  12. Happy Halloween Mr. 99! Don't ask why I put that there please.

  13. What did you mean by "?"?

  14. Welcome back. I wasn't around before you left but I just felt like welcoming you back.

  15. What he said! Nice avatar. Kirby rocks!

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