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Everything posted by Jinkmeister

  1. There's that wolf I just checked out and commented on!And dude, you made my day with that Oh boo, not fair, dotcom!There's them Thundercats again!
  2. Yeah, I saw the clothes after I posted that and was like "D'oh.."And no, I guess not! Or at least not Samus. But I mean, I'm SURE he had something to do with the explosion.
  3. Hair. On Roodaka. My hero. She looks just about identical to how I remember her from the movie. I really like the launcher on her wrist (that is what it is, right? I can't remember) You, sir, have done it. You've created the perfect Roodaka.
  4. Once again, I'm left looking at a modification, smacking my forehead, wondering why I didn't think of this or that first. I love how this looks, and I genuinely wondered what you changed of Jaller. The crab was obvious, but Jaller is subtle. Subtlety is best when modifying, I believe. You retained the original design and look whilst improving everything else! Excellent work!
  5. I have to say, I love it. The white-on-brown works great in my opinion. I also love the...unorthodox use of Indiana Jone's satchel! I also feel like the odd design of the biceps give it a rather old-age robotics feel. Not sure how to describe it. Maybe steampunk-y? Well, whatever you want to call it, great job regardless!
  6. Very intriguing design! I love the resemblance to both a hang glider and the Vultraz! Definitely looks like it'd belong alongside the Mazeka!
  7. Goodness! As someone who has never, ever been able to combine Technic and System, it's just that much more impressive. I love the use of binoculars to hold the claws, stroke of genius there. And it has the added benefit of being both a quadruped AND a biped! What more could you possibly want!?
  8. Excellent! I could never, ever get:The right shoulder spikeThe Rhotuka launcherOr the left forearm.You, sir, are a hero. I'm on my way to check out your other works!
  9. Maybe mix some trans-blue slanted bricks of various shades with some white? It would give the effect of it moving fast, at least the way I picture it.
  10. I dunno, I found it somewhere online. I should probably research it :PAnd where does yours come from?
  11. Nor have I!Wilykit again! Okay, I have to ask: is it male or female?
  12. I have to say, your descriptions are excellent. I wasn't so much reading what you wrote as seeing what you thought. The dialogue feels natural, and there are very distinct differences between the characters. With the addition of the "s"'s to Po-Rah's speak, it gave him, at least in my mind, a very Gollum-y feel, kind of a quirky feel.Of course, there are one or two things that I feel could be improved. One is the feel, and here are some particulars: I think that might flow better as Also: I think the word causing kind of stumbles the sentence a bit. Maybe say it like: A great thing to do would be to read your story out loud after you've written it. If it doesn't feel natural when you say it, it may not turn out so well when it's written, either. Of course, flow is rather minor, and obviously, if the story is good, it's easily overlooked.To touch on the characters and plot; without so much as an introduction, you do give the characters a good bit of personality. The only thing is that from the beginning, I had it in my mind that Tarau and Po-Rah's relationship was closer to a Frodo and Gollum as opposed to a Frodo and Sam. It isn't until Teridax takes over Po-Rah's body that Tarau's affection becomes apparent. Of course, if that's a purposeful plot device, it can work, but in this case, it doesn't strike me as that.To segue right into the plot, I feel that it was very solid. The idea is interesting, and the execution is excellent. I especially like that the story has an air of mystery. There's no telling what will happen next. For example, from Teridax's appearance to the end, I wasn't sure if he was going to trick Tarau or be as honest as a Makuta can be :POverall, I'd say this is a very solid work, with just some stumbling blocks in the way of flow. Your descriptions are excellent, characters are as deep as you can get with a story this length, and the plot is intriguing. I hope to see more from you!
  13. Great job, Pinkie Pie! NOW you're thinking with portals!
  14. The thing that people have to realize is that the staff isn't made up of magicians, alchemists and unicorns. At least, not mostly. They can't please everyone at once, so they need to collectively decide first what people want. Next, if it's viable to do it. And then how they would go about doing it. And finally, how they would go about explaining and enforcing it. For example, the Hot Topic boxMembers: We want it!Staff: Okay, so, they want the Hot Topic box. We could do that, but we feel that it's not viable, since it does not seem to garner much attention, and uses too many resources.People just see the results, but not the work that goes into it, especially when that work is done by people with work, school, or families. Patience is a virtue, people!(Near total guess work here, just saying what seems to make sense to me)
  15. I find it entertaining that almost a quarter of the replies were from current staffies looking to extend their reach. Er. I mean...ability to assist the forums. That's what I meant. Totally.
  16. I'll bite!The UtopianThe Utopian - Review TopicChapters: 3 now, probably 4 by the end of tonight.
  17. Yeah, my proto loss/gain looks like a rollercoaster. I'd probably have full proto by now if I wasn't a noob a lot of the time
  18. Hay you. Still interested in being in War for BZPower 3? Cuz it's like, in progress. For the third and final time. Ironically.

    1. Nukaya


      Sure? Why not.

    2. Jinkmeister


      Mkay. I'll be throwing PMs out when it's finished.

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