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Everything posted by Jinkmeister

  1. Pinkie Pie looking...scary. Or hyper, not sure if that's much different.
  2. Ohhhh, that reminds me of my political encounters with various staff members...those never end well. It may have been where one of my proto drops came from, but I'm not sure.
  3. Chapter III“Well, um...” Sel thought for a moment. His dreams? They had been somewhat hazy...but the words were all there. Some being explaining Utopia...it was all things Sel knew, but somehow, they way it was said sounded different somehow. But could he tell the Doctor this? Would the speech be considered a thought-crime? Would the Doctor call in the Peacekeepers? These questions flew through Sel's head in an instant, and he knew what to say.“Let's see...it started with...a creature. It looked like a Corrected, if I had to describe it.” The Doctor nodded knowingly at this. Sel hoped he wasn't digging a deeper grave than he would have otherwise. “This creature...it spoke in...a language I couldn't understand. I only caught a couple words, but nothing of significance,” Sel looked at the Doctor, hoping that his lie held strong. Mazing stared at the ceiling thoughtfully for a moment.“What words did it say?” The Doctor asked. Sel felt his stomach tighten. He spoke the first words that came to mind.“All Utopians Equal, All Utopians Together. He also said something about obedience, I think.” The Doctor continued looking at the ceiling before glancing at Sel. The latter felt a tingle run down his spine at the former's gaze.“You seem to be suffering a fear of an uprising. Specifically, that of the Corrected. You fear that if they could form together, they could overpower the Peacekeepers, and threaten our glorious Utopia. Don't fear, many people tell me this dream in some form or another. In fact, one Le-Utopian told me the same thing nearly word-for-word. The key point is that it's quite impossible, and a very silly, yet common fear. Here, I have just the thing,” the Doctor explained before opening a drawer in his desk and pulling out a VC case. “This Video Chip contains a documentary called “Peacekeepers: How We Keep the Peace”. It should put your fears to rest. It explains how we keep the Corrected docile and subjective, and will eliminate any fear you have.”“Thank you, Doctor,” Sel said, getting up. He reached across the desk to shake the Doctor's hand, but the Doctor simply leaned back in his chair and stared at the ceiling. Sel figured it was the closest he would get to a good-bye. He withdrew his hand, and stepped out the door. As he exited the hallway, the secretary glanced up at him, but otherwise ignored him. Sel continued outside, worrying about what he would tell the foreman at the Hydroponics Plant.As if sensing his hurry, a massive Prison Hovercraft lumbered across the road he was trying to cross. Frustrated and anxious, Sel hopped from one leg to another. From inside the immense vehicle, moans and screams could be heard, likely from those who were found guilty of Unpatriotism. As he and all Utopians did, he ignored them. The people in there had chosen their path, and they were paying their price. Finally, the giant transport was past, and he hurried on.---“Late again, Mr. Worth?” The Peacekeepers here were NEVER soft on late-comers.“Yes, I had to meet with the Dream Recorder,” Sel explained. This time, he knew he couldn't just slip by them.“Huh. Quite the story. Where's your Excuse Slip?” The guard smirked at him. Sel paled as he realized that Doctor Mazing had never given him one.“I...I...he didn't give me one!” Sel said, beginning to worry about his life expectancy. Peacekeepers were often known to “slip” whilst adjusting their firearms.“Well, Mr. Worth, that is quite unfortunate. I'm going to give you this,” the Peacekeeper said as he pulled a slip of paper out of a pouch on his belt. “Meet me here after you get off of work, and we'll settle the debt.”“What debt?” Sel asked hesitantly.“The debt you owe me for not saying anything,” the sentinel said as he moved aside. Sel hurried through the door of the Hydroponics Plant as he stuffed the paper in his pocket. Once inside the foreman (who was chosen based on his ability, or lack thereof, to direct or confront people,) stepped up to him.“Mr. Worth, where were you?” He demanded.“Doctor Mazing's. My, does that sound like command in your voice, sir?” Sel asked warningly. The foreman peeped audibly and glanced around.“D-Don't tell the Peacekeepers, okay?”“Sure thing, boss,” Sel said. At least he got one bit of entertainment today. Barely catching the crowded elevator, Sel jabbed that already lit 6 button. The doors slid shut, and the elevator began rising.---------------------------As always, review here!
  4. I'd have to say for me, it's posting most of my early comedies. Along with every post in my first two years.
  5. Let's seeee...1. Become popular (I think I make enough of a nuisance of myself to be KNOWN, but not popular)2. Become staff (dream of mine for years)3. Be a successful author4. Actually finish an epic5. Get moar posts.Goodness, what a laundry list we gots here!
  6. Probably Forum Leader/Assistant in the Library. Can't really think of anything else....
  7. I open Google translate, type in a relevant word, and try every language. If I don't find one that sounds cool, I make one up. I have a long list of creative names I've gotten from reCaptcha on various websites. Excellent reference.But seriously, to make up a name, I just say gibberish (alone, of course). Just add or remove letters/syllables as necessary. Maybe that'd work for you? Another idea is to name them something out of the dictionary, such as C.S. Lewis' Dr. Ransom character in the Space Trilogy. Any old word can sound like an awesome name. Just experiment, you'll know when you've got it!
  8. Just smile and say "It's for the child inside me! :3" The weird looks will become hilarious instead of condescending, guaranteed!
  9. "Vote Jinklemeister! Unlimited ice cream, checkers, and semi-aquatic, egg-laying mammals of action! Also he has "master" in German right in his name!"Man, I can already hear the masses chant "JINK-LE, JINK-LE!"
  10. The Libraries, no doubt. Maybe GD or COT on the side, but mostly the Libraries.
  11. Nope, never read that. I've read 1984, Animal Farm, Brave New World, and The Hunger Games. Later on, this will branch off into a unique story of its own .
  12. I continually buy more Lego sets. One of my biggest factors is woosh-ability. How fun would it be to play with? I will never be too old to make my Jedi and custom figures attack massively overpowered yet understaffed enemies.
  13. I'd have to say that my friends list is kind of a combination of people I've talked to, talk to a lot, or seem interesting. Mostly the first two.
  14. When I got a proto boost...then a proto drain...then two or three more proto boosts. It was like a rollercoaster. Except less screaming children. I think.Also when I wrote War for BZPower...even if it didn't get much attention
  15. I can't tell if this is a list of people interested in staff, people just responding to an interesting topic, or a laundry list of who NOT to promote to staff!
  16. Bappy Hirthday!Only two more years till you can celebrate you celestial sun-rotation with copious amounts of alcohol...legally!
  17. I wondered when someone would notice that!And Siril needs to go to anger management or something, murderous eyes are not socially acceptable.
  18. For me? I would totally laugh maniacally in front of my computer. Then do whatever my job required me to. Still laughing maniacally.
  19. Without seeing the banner it's...still a tech support guy.
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