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Everything posted by Jinkmeister

  1. He needs to be on the Shut Up, Stop Complaining, And Be A Man Hotline!
  2. My banner is funny, disturbing,obtrusive, and absolutely weird.Yours is pretty cool, though
  3. That makes you normal :PI do have to say, most of those quotes certainly are intriguing.
  4. Is that a good thing, Valenti? Should I mark it in the record book? :PSomehow, Pinkie Pie managed to use a portal gun...
  5. I'm trying to disassociate myself with it 1. Spambots learned it and 2. Bad choice of name
  6. 2/5 Dunno if I can say the same...my Droid won't let me see previous usernames, though.Ninja'd...3/5
  7. Oh. Oops xDI do. Triple dog dare ya >:]I have to say, Twisted Nuva is an intruiging name.
  8. 4/5...what just happened here?
  9. OH. Now it all makes sense. I thought you meant that the faces described the stories they linked to, sorry xP No, I'm certain it was all done on purpose, it's too convenient
  10. I'm gonna spend today lookin' for a better one. Funny and interesting without being disturbing.Next time I'm on my compy, Imma click some of those kinks in your sig.
  11. 3/5, Nah, I left this time last year. Thing is, I never really ventured outside of the Libraries. Hence my very low post count/time here ratio.
  12. 3/5, never saw you before I got back
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