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Everything posted by Jinkmeister

  1. Whoa. How'd you know?TPBM has written at least one story
  2. We are!Arrested Development!And they're links to my stories Left is War for BZPower, and right is The Chronicles of Lerahk & Hello
  3. And another addition: What was/were your first act/s on BZP upon joining?
  4. Yeah, but it wasn't as obvious! Haha, I'm still hunting for my perfect avvie/banner combo.Sweet self-drawn banner again!
  5. Darn you Taka Nuvia!Some links and such, and the banner that you drew! (Sorry, it didn't show up for me at first! Darn Android...
  6. They're cats, but not very lol-sy. Just vaguely mean.Yeah, I think it could do without the baby food. But it's still rather funny IMO
  7. Addendum: What did you do whilst you lurked? I spent 100% of ny time in Comedies, which would explain my devotion to the Libraries
  8. Not to your knowledgeAre my avvie and banner really that disturbing?And actually, the level would go down, since his boat is lighter, and therefore displacing less water. SCIENCE.
  9. For me, it was the Bionicle site way back in '03 or '04. It had a link to BZP, and I kept coming back until I joined in '05
  10. Because the butter gives it slightly more weight on the top, causing it to rotate once in the fall, assuming variables such as wind and lucky seagulls aren't involved.If a man in a boat on a lake drops his anchor (assuming you could measure it), would the water level go up or down? (Consider surface vs. subsurface displacement before you answer)
  11. Ah okay.I...I don't know...this is embarrassing.Well why can't cats fly?
  12. You can't answer my question with a question!What did you start?
  13. Depends on how many MLP MOCs people makeWhat color is grass in a monochromatic world?
  14. Uh...I wrote the (in my mind) hit War for BZPower seriesI left BZP around this time last year, just came backI'm the only person brave enough to use these kind of images for my avatar and banner.Been a member for almost 5 years, and yet have next to no posts
  15. Depends entirely on what it is. I fairly enjoyed the superhero one, but this one was kinda meh. I'm hoping they step it up with April Fools, though!
  16. I nominate me. Cuz in my mind, best and disturbing are synonymous
  17. Chapter III"Ugh...wha...what happened?" Hello mumbled, rubbing his head. He felt like he had never had before...as if the slightest suggestion that his skirt might not be as pretty as Julie's would hurt him deeply...wait, that isn't right. More...logical."Good, you're awake," said a cheerful voice, "You fell very far-down, but luckily, I was there to rescue-save you! Though I do wonder-think why you have an empty space in the middle of the head." The Bohrok felt the top of his head, where his little rubber mask should be, but it was nowhere to be found! Who would he have deep conversations about fire, aircraft, and the various functions of a rubber duck with!?"I'd love to know where that Krana got to, too...Say, were you the one that saved me?" Hello opened his eyes to see a tall green figure sitting next to the bed he was on. His mask was green and streamlined, with silver armor protruding from his shoulders and chest. Resting on the wall nearby were two large katana-like weapons"I just saw a falling shape-form, and acted before I thought-thunk." He was unusually cheerful."Whe-where's the Rahkshi I was with?" Hello started to get up. The green thing stepped out of the way."The lizard thing? He is the other room.” Hello sat up with an effort, and walked to the door. Upon opening it, he saw that he was in a hut suspended hundreds of feet above the ground, wrapped around the trunk of a tree. He thought that such as trees were only things the Queens told stories about to scare young Bohrok! He was certainly scared. Inside, he felt something stop for a second. It felt important, too, as if it controlled his vital fluids. He shrugged off the feeling as he stepped onto the porch, and followed it around the hut. On the other side was another room. Inside, Lerahk lay on a bed.“Hello, Hello!” The Rahkshi exclaimed happily as he sat straight up. Hello was...startled, was the feeling?“Hello, Lerahk.” He said, still slightly distracted by his new-found feelings and emotions.“I already know your name, silly!” Said Lerahk as he swung his legs off the bed. He didn't appear to be injured at all, but it was Lerahk, so he probably had at least three broken bones and a failed organ. Hello realized he had begun feeling another new sensation...anxiety, wasn't that what the Queens spoke of? Silently, the tall green figure walked in.“I never introduced myself. I am Toa-hero Lewa!” He said proudly. Hello noticed that the Toa was trying to discreetly keep his distance from the Bohrok. Hello did have faint memories of the Queens speaking of a time when they would cleanse the upper land of everything, but he had slept through most of that lecture. “So, Lewa, could you tell me why I'm functioning without my Krana? And why you seem scared of me? And why Frodo and Sam didn't just fly into Mordor?” Hello certainly did feel ignorant now that he thought about it.“Krana? Is that what powered you?” Lewa asked.“Yeah, I'm a Bohrok, a machine, and without a Krana, I'm just a shell, yet somehow I function.” Lerahk stared blankly at Hello, obviously not understanding anything he had said in the past few minutes.“Well, after I rescue-saved you, some technicians decided the best way to to turn you on was to give you sentient-thought. And you just seem-look like a bug-crawler! Very ick-yucky!” Hello felt offended at that comment, but he chose to ignore it.“So I guess I owe you?” Hello asked. He already didn't like the idea of owing people things. Meanwhile, Lerahk started staring intently at Lewa's shoulder.“Not at all! Of course, there may have been ulterior-different motive-reasons....” Lewa said apologetically“What would that be?”“We want to know where you came from, and what you are!”“I'm a Bohrok, a robotic being from below the surface of the island. I felt a disturbance, and it woke me from my “sleep”, as you would call it. You see, there are three things I hate in the world. I hate tulips and quantum mechanics, but above all, I hate stupidity. So, when this guy,” he said as he jerked a finger at Lerahk, who was still staring intently at Lewa's shoulder, “Started coming closer, his blatant stupidity woke me up.”“Is this true-right?” Lewa asked Lerahk.“Yeah, my brothers and sister loved me so much, they introduced me to Hello!” He said, not taking his eyes off the armor on Lewa's shoulder. Noticing his stare, Lewa looked nervously at Hello“What's he about to do-act?” Lewa asked Hello.“He wants attention, ignore him”“If you say so, I gue-” He was cut off by Lerahk gnawing on his shoulder.“Shinyshinyshinyshinyshiny” Lerahk said over and over, though slightly muffled. A mouthful of armor didn't tend to make speaking easy.“I...can see why you awoke,” Lewa said uneasily. Hello sighed, walked over, and wrenched Lerahk off, “So why are you not trying to beat-hurt or kill him? Does he not annoy-bug you greatly?”“Yes, he does, and he is stupid, yes, but it's a different kind of stupidity. I can't quite put my finger on it...” Hello said as he set Lerahk back on the bed.“Well, whenever you feel well-good, feel free to leave whenever you like-wish!”“Thank you,” said Hello. “Come on, Lerahk, we're leaving. Speaking of which, exactly...uh, how do we get down?” He asked as they walked out the door. Lewa chuckled. He immediately snatched them both, and leaped off the edge.------------------Well, what do y'all think? Reviews highly appreciated.
  18. Dark Mirror: Part I: Chapter 1 is coming soon! :oAlso, my sig is now amazing!
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