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Everything posted by Jinkmeister

  1. Someone killed a Skrall that seems to have already been killed!And I just don't like that you can't make sigs that link to threads!
  2. Thanks! This is actually a rewrite of something I did on the previous forum. Made it a lot better than it was Considering also reviving my Toa Work At Kanohi Kreme, but I doubt it.Chapter 2Deep below the surface of Mata-Nui...(Why does everything happen deep below Mata-Nui?)CleanitallitmustbecleanedcleanitallitmustbecleanedcleanitallitmustbecleanedA lone Tahnok stirred. He felt a disturbance, as if a great stupidity had been awakened. He hated stupidity. It was the thing that annoyed him the most in the world, after tulips and quantum mechanics. The Bohrok Queens felt his awakening and tried with all their might to shush him, but it didn't work. No amount of The Three Little Matoran or The Brave Ussal That Could would calm this Tahnok."CLEANSTUPIDITYITMUSTBECLEANED" He screamed as he leaped out of his canister. The Queens didn't like this. They didn't like it one bit. Immediately six blue-and-white Bohrok leaped out of their canisters and proceeded to chase him. Somehow the flashing red and blue lights stayed on top of them as they WHEE-WHOO'd after him.Through tunnels they raced, the blue-and-white security Bohrok firing blasts of energy. The Tahnok took a sharp right into a side tunnel, causing the security Bohrok to overshoot him. Thinking he had escaped, the Tahnok slowed. Bad idea. From another side tunnel, three security Bohrok cut him off. Their superior knowledge of quantum mechanics allowed them to bend physics a bit. The Tahnok quickly turned around, but the other three were on that side too.The Tahnok morphed from his sphere form to his bipedal form, knowing he had lost. The security Bohrok also morphed. They aimed their laser cannons. They began charging. Suddenly-"WHEEEEEEEE" A green being screamed as it smashed through the roof and squished three of the security Bohrok. The four other Bohrok stared at him, dumbfounded."Did that hurt, Lerahk?" A voice screamed from above."My brain hurts!" It said happily, the quartet of Bohrok still staring."You can't hurt something that doesn't exist!" Screamed a different voice from above."Oh then I'm fine!" Lerahk shouted, a stupid grin on his face. Tahnok realized where the stupidity came from. He immediately leaped at the Rahkshi and started punching it over and over, but it didn't seem to feel his blows at all"Hello! How are you doing?" Lerahk asked. The Bohrok stopped and stared. The security Bohrok started walking toward them, charging their lasers. Without warning, a massive rock came through the ceiling where Lerahk had plummeted from, and smashed the rest of the Bohrok."That should have killed him." Said one of the voices from above"H-Hello?" The Tahnok asked in a mechanical voice, not noticing nor caring what was going on."Hi!" Said Lerahk, still persisting with his stupid grin."Hello" The Bohrok said."Hi!" Replied Lerahk in glee. Suddenly Bohrok's head twitched several times."My name...Hello?""If you want!" Said Lerahk, obviously pleased with himself for coming up with ANOTHER name!"Your name...is...your name is Lerahk?""Yep!" Lerahk said, nodding happily."You are supposed to be...death?" Hello asked as he got off. This was a hard language, but luckily, one of his neighboring brothers had taken over some Matoran and learned the language and imparted it to his neighbors. Of course, tenses were as hard for him as quantum mechanics, but he didn't know that."No, just dead." Lerahk said as he stood up."That is what I meaned" Hello said. So was the proper use of the suffix “ed”."So what are you?" Lerahk asked curiously."I...Bohrok...You dead?""No, I'm a Rahkshi!""Can I be Rahkshi?""Sure!""Even though...I...Bohrok?""Maybe you can be a Brahkshi!" Before the Bohrok could reply, he stood straight up."They coming...Follow me" He said as a chant of cleanitallitmustbecleaned slowly started Dopplering closer. The Rahkshi and Bohrok ran through random tunnels that looked nice in a feeble attempt to escape. It took them a long time, a lot of dead ends, and several stops for lunch before they saw the light of day. They burst through the cave opening, but the glee of freedom wore off rather quickly once they realized it was a several hundred foot drop to the ground.------------Next chapter will kinda bridge this together, so it'll likely be the least comedic one.
  3. 2/5I'd say it's good, then. Definitely makes one stop scrolling.
  4. 0/5, sorry bud!And Paleo, I'll look into it! He was a character in a previous version, years back.
  5. Hey, there're those secrets again! And quotes! And credit! Jam packed with fun and games!
  6. 0/5, can't say I've seen you before.And Paleo that works, cuz WfBZP3 gets very scientific with the inter-dimensional and time travel and all.
  7. Actually, I think I do need to replace some characters...I'll drop you a PM once I finish editing what I've written so far.
  8. Wait, I know the name Squishy. I think I had plans to add him to War for BZPower 3...
  9. TPBY owns an Android, so no, he didn't know. TPBM owns an iPod.
  10. Woah...psychic...TPBM is on a smart phone.
  11. I do the same, so people will be like "OMG WHO'RE YOU DO I KNOW YO-Oh, sorry, didn't see you changed your avvie :3"
  12. Oh goodness, now THAT was funny. And lotsa quotes! Along with something that seems to want to give away someone's secrets!
  13. I left about this time last year, so I guess that'd explain it. I guess I gotta say 1/5 now?
  14. Vaguely, yes! TPBM has at least 23 Bionicle sets and at least 32 Lego sets.
  15. A vague threat posted overtop of one of Fluttershy's few (I assume) angry looks.
  16. Indeed! And again, 0/5...have I been gone THAT long, or am I just ignorant?
  17. Have to admit, I laughed at that.And I see a pony with an abnormally long left/right arm, depending on which one you look at. Also quotes and credit where credit seems to be due.
  18. Title says it all. Why're you unique? Could it be a special talent? Knowledge of something not many people know? Maybe you're imagination is beyond control. Just keep it positive!I'd say what makes me unique is I can look at something and analyze and refine it to near perfection.
  19. War for BZPower by JinklemeisterEdit: Thanks Kal, sorry about that. I'm still figuring out the new BB Codes.
  20. ....Please, tell me where you got your copy of Jurassic Park, cuz I wanna watch that version. Like, now.
  21. Sorry to say I've never seen you, so 0/5
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