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Everything posted by Jinkmeister

  1. Semper Fidelis!

  2. I'VE BEEN FOUND OUT *dives behind pillow fort*

  3. I guess so, why do you ask?

  4. Well, it was kind of abrupt, but by the time he wanted to get on and announce it, he had forgotten his password.

  5. Because he stopped liking Bionicle, I think. I haven't seen him in months, actually, but I do know he sold all his sets.

  6. He left BZP nearly 4 years ago.

  7. It means you're a loyal BZPer and I'm a lazy one. XP

  8. You joined 2 years ago and you almost have the same post count as me, a member since 2005...

  9. About time you found yer password. =P

  10. You've never heard of Also!? He's Ash's twin brother, his name just got incorporated into the English language somehow!

  11. Gah, I meant "Also Ash has been 10 for the past 10 or 15 years". Fail.

  12. I like Pokemon, but really, after like 10 or 11 seasons, it gets kinda redundant...Also has been 10 for the past 10 or 15 years...

  13. I see you're a Rocketshipper. =P Pokeshipping and Rocketshipping FTW

  14. First, hai AT, second, I would totally want to see an AT v. B6 battle sometime...Maybe even join in. Or there's Firefight (<3)
  15. Your avatar contains oodles and oodles of win. =D

  16. I notice you use the word "if"...Good God, woman, are you planning to live forever!? =P
  18. Dude, your name oozes of win.

  19. I can definitly help with the Master Chief cut out thing...except it would be me wearing the suit, but same-ish thing. Except...more...3Dish....And can hug you back...Yeah... XP
  20. Well, if things go according to plan, me next year. Assuming Turakii gets her drivers license soon. WHEN WILL MY NAGGING PAY OFF!? XP I positivly identified every single one of those models within thirty seconds. My jealousy is unimaginable.
  21. *music* 123456789 day comes but once in a thousand years, a thousand years, a thousand years, 123456789 day comes but once in a thousand years, or so I'm toooooooold. *cut music* XP
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