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Everything posted by Jinkmeister

  1. Hey, we have the same birthday! I was thinking the same thing. Get my parents to take me as a birthday present. That would be beyond epic...I'd love to meet some more BZPers...But other then meeting more BZPers, I'd love to see all the cool sets and stuff. But I can always look at the pics everyone will have. =P And I'm meeting Turakii and Traku in September/October, anyway, so I -still- get to experience both! YAY! ^^ Anyway, if I was 18 and didn't live in -western- Pennsylvaina, I would totally take you up on that offer....*sigh* I hate not being 18...
  2. It's about time that you stopped making excuses and accepted the fact that you're an old, balding man now. Why, tomorrow you're going to be buying a hearing aid and a cane. =P And I can finally slaughter him mercilessy in Halo as his arthrites prevents him from using the controller. >=D
  3. Nom. =3 And poor Turakii! D= *hands many milkshakes* These should last you! =D
  4. Jinkmeister

    Pimp My Blog

    My Blog 'Tis themed around the song Godzilla by Blue Oyster Cult.
  5. Sorry, I don't. I really don't play computer games that much, and I -never- use my Vista computer, so I may never get it.

  6. Uepari...Hmm....Um... Hm... Can't think of anything. =/
  7. I really hope Kris wins...I just never liked Adam much...all the makeup. >< The one time he didn't wear any the makeup (I do realize they do have to wear some for the camera), he looked great.
  8. The universe dose not implode if you stop existing because reality would correct itself and make someone else do what you did. I know. The fabric of time warps itself so that the events you caused or decisions you made were done or made by someone else. Imploding just sounds cooler. =P
  9. But according to my theories the Swine Flu is the zompocolypse!
  10. Hey, it's Mean Bunny from SMPFilms! I watch that guy all the time on that video site!
  11. Why, oh, why did I have to show you that song? ><
  12. This sounds oddly familiar... *Is whacked many times*
  13. Chuck Norris wanted to have Mata-Nui's body. Mata-Nui refused. Mata-Nui was lucky Chuck only shot him into space in a mask. It sucks, I know. =P
  14. Bonjour to you, also.

  15. Jinkmeister

    New Laptop

    New Egg or Tiger Direct might sell Wi-Fi anntenas
  16. Mr. Stormtrooper's dreams were crushed as his head was mounted on Mr. Jedi's wall, and the rest of his body on Darth Vader's.
  17. Glad I'm not Scott. Personally, Laughin' Man, I'd use an Ariska XD . Of course, no weapon quite stands up to the might of the Spartan Laser. Except maybe an Anti-Planet Orbital Battle Platform. =3 *Gets aboard APOBP*
  18. You talk like his being 14 is a bad thing. I'm 14, and it's awesome. I have no idea why people would be embarresed to post their real age.
  19. It all depends on your definition of boring.
  20. I would sit in a corner and cry, seeing as I would have no one to talk to. And besides, if I ceased to exist, it would cause a paradox because then everything I did before then would be gone, and all the decisions I influenced would have no basis, and the space-time continuem would eventually fold in on itself, causing a massive implosion, vaporizing everything in the universe. Moral of this story? There's a difference between dying and ceasing to exist.
  21. Spiderman had had enough of Sandman, and decided it was time for a new glass sculpture in the city. You have to understand that sand + fire = glass to get this.
  22. Were it not for the fact that AT and I were in our own private game, HOW TRUE THAT WOULD BE. I don't wanna know how many times I've been reported. Takuma Nuva No, I mean that AT proceeds to yell about aim-bots and hacking, though I know he wouldn't really.
  23. Caption: Seconds later, the sniper would hear a steady stream of accusations of aim-bots and hacking.
  24. Vakama: You may have seen Muaka style, but you've never seen SKAKDI style! [/Obvious Kung-Fu Panda quote]
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