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Everything posted by Jinkmeister

  1. Teridax vs. The Prophet of Truth would be optimal. =P
  2. >< Don't remind me. My Xbox was broken once, and I swear, this woman would not shut up! I go through the whole process of registering or whatever, half an hour later, I hang up the phone, and realized I hadn't learned anything. I call my cousin, who also has an Xbox. 5 minutes later, he solved my problem. Moral of the story: Microsoft tech support = horrible.
  3. I know, I can hardly wait. Me neither! I hope they kill off Anakin! X3 [/extremely newbish comment]
  4. Jinkmeister


    Because she feels like it. Actually, no, wait, I'll go with what Wrack said.
  5. Jinkmeister


    I don't know if I want to see it or not. Does that count?
  6. Dude: Captain, there is a gigantic head thing of death and a Klingon Bird of Prey approaching. Permission to swing these swords around and pretend I'm killing them, sir?
  7. Jinkmeister

    Fox News

    Well, at least Fox is much, MUCH better then CNN and ABC and NBC.
  8. Dude, for beating Halo Wars I give you ten quadrillion awesome points. I'm still stuck on the Arcadia level. >< The last ship got destroyed three seconds before lift-off. ><
  9. =O ... *Slowly raises rocket launcher* Heretic.
  10. OMG the same thing has been happening to me for the past couple days....Then again, staying up past 3 in the morning watch Red vs. Blue probably has something to do with it.
  11. *Mutters incoherent nonsense about not being able to draw half as well as you* Great drawing! The only thing that bugs me a little is the way the one on the left is holding that cat, but it's almost unnoticable. They're very cute. I agree that they are Wall of Cute material.
  12. I completely agree! I didn't even touch the instruction manual, and I was able to pick up the controls within minutes. The plot is also very good, compelling, and....ploty. Totally worth 80 dollars.
  13. Yesh! When's Traku getting on?

  14. I don't know. Maybe we can go to a chocolate factory! =D I'll buy you some!

  15. Everything is peachy keen, Jared! Is that mean man still trying to kill us?

  16. Hi, Jared! How are you today?

  17. Fix'd. Fix'd again. Third and final time. Wrong. This is that last time it shall be fix'd I owned you. This will be the last time it gets fix'd, okey-dokey?
  18. Fix'd. Fix'd again. Third and final time. Wrong. This is that last time it shall be fix'd
  19. Thanks for getting me into Tally Hall, I've been listening to the songs for three hours. =3

  20. I just read your entire interest list...Whilst listening to Tally Hall! =D

  21. *Pokes with energy sword, and then stabs through heart* Poke'd enough for ya'?

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