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Everything posted by Jinkmeister

  1. Hey, do you mind if I viciously slaughter your children in Halo next time we play?

  2. What's wrong with Spongebob living in a pineapple? Face it, if he lived in a giant apple you would try to get rid of that and say he should live in a pineapple. I watch Spongebob more than I watch Veggietales, so, by default, Spongebob > Veggietales.
  3. Hey, could you please tell your children to stop being so good at Halo? =P

  4. *Sneaks up behind and asassinates with a BR*

  5. *Betrays and begins tea-bagging*

  6. I wuz totally owning you in Halo. =3

  7. Hey, have you read any of the AVP books? They're good, I recommend them.

  8. Reagan, Palin, and Chuck Norris. They're awesome.
  9. Great avatar! REAGEN FTW!

  10. Jinkmeister

    They Lost

    And I thank the Cardinals. Because of their loss, I am now $5 richer. =D Pittsburgh FTW! Two records broken this Super Bowl: 100 yard run, and most wins of a Super Bowl for a single team. That makes me very
  11. I leave for four days and I get my comment box filled. =P

    @Jordboy: I don't care. =P

    @RCS: I still like ARCs, especially the Nulls. And thanks!

    @That Shadowy Lion: Hi.

  12. Jinkmeister


    No, no, no, it's "i r in ur bilogly discting ur inscts" I don't like dissection because I'm a bit squemish...but on a happier note, did you get to poke some organs and watch them jiggle? XP
  13. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «The one that looks a tank/walker is cool.
  14. I'll join! I love eating poor, defenseless animals! <3
  15. These are really funny! Here's one: Three guys break into a mall. The police get there, and catch the leader. They handcuff him to a rail, and go to get the others. When they do, they come back to find the leader had cut the bar (How is a mystery...maybe he was part hacksaw) and had ran. They find out about an hour later he had gone to police station and asked that they remove the handcuff. True story. Criminals are morons these days.
  16. Dude, Pittsburgh will win by more. The Steelers are awesome. EDIT: I knew you'd beat me to this, Snoopy82! (Oh, and great av, Snoopy! Reagan FTW!)
  17. *Blinks* See, this is what happens when Ash battles with his pokemon, and then forgets to feed them afterwards. But, on topic, now I have yet another incentive to lock my doors at night.
  18. Jinkmeister

    The Emoticon Game

    + + + + = I winked at the silent patrioticness of Nuju when he gave me a thumbs up.
  19. Jinkmeister

    You Know...

    Actually, unless they've found his birth certificate, nothing can be proven. The man is a very good lier, so it's not known for certain where he was born. What also isn't known is that he is only, like, 2% black, so, technically, he isn't the first black president. Obligatory 24 statement: David Palmer for President 2012! Inaccurate statement, as claimed by Omi and verified by myself through CNN, crossed out. ~ Neccy
  20. Here we go Steelers, here we go! =D I hope they win, that would be so awesome! Of course, I don't follow football, so technically, I have to go for the Steelers because they're my home team!
  21. I vote Republic Commando Fixer!
  22. Yeah, seriously. You know why I disliked Anakin's starfighter, and will probably dislike Ahsoka's? The way you put the R2 unit in. the R2 popping thing. You can't turn the ship upside-down without dumping Artoo. Needless to say, I modified it. Maybe that's why. Who knows?
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