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Everything posted by Jinkmeister

  1. Jinkmeister


    Feel lucky. 0.3 degrees at my home. >< Yuck.
  2. 1. 9 hours. I'm more refreshed then you. =P 2. Same as ever. 3. 0.3 degrees. And that's without windchill. >< 4. ... 5. I have even more profit then you!
  3. I really don't know. :P I have been procrastinating, and I doubt I ever will get around to it. Sorry.

  4. YAY, 24! I love the show! I recommend a lot of Jack stuff, but don't forget to include a memorial to Chapelle! (I think I'm spelling that wrong. )
  5. 1) They fall in line, one at a time, ready to play 2) Yo, listen up, here's a story about a little guy who lives in a blue world 3) A long time ago, in a galaxy far away, Naboo was under an attack LOL, I don't listen to too many songs.
  6. ... *Shivers* Why not just get a Hello Kitty Xbox cover or something? So is the hard drive and everything all plushy-fied? 'Cuz that would probably catch fire.
  7. LOL, it's my fault she even heard the song. XP I don't know if I should regret or be happy I did it. (Oh, and Turakii, I would be pleased if you did not do this to Kryptonite.......wait....I'm just encouraging you, aren't I?) XP
  8. Try her. If Turakii wants it, trust me, her Waffle will find a way. True Love > Chuck Norris Takuma Nuva I have found a way. =D But I'm not telling anyone because they'd probably steal my idea and give her these amazing gifts themselves! And then I'd have to kill them. O RLY!? Well, then you better get working, because she will be rather unpleased if you do not give them to her. And I (And probablt Turakii, cuz then she couldn't have our...interesting discussions. ) would not appreciate that much.
  9. I hope they make a Halo disk! With Master Chief or Arby on it!
  10. *Has found Turakii, so I proceed to flip her over my shoulders and return the glomp*

  11. Wait...if you're invisible...then I can't glomp you! D'=

  12. Um...all the comment section is spam in just about every profile. I just try to make it not as pointless as most. =D And Pizza-Doughnuts are when you take a pizza, and cut a big hole in the middle! XD

  13. No, no,no, wait for it...wait for it....

    PIZZA-DOUGHNUTS!!! XD You could make a blog entry about pizza-doughnuts!

  14. *Walks away sadly* Fine, then I'm Iron Man! *Blasts everything in site with missiles*
  15. Jinkmeister


    Depending on how this term goes and which country you're in, I'll say you're lucky. So, how does Obama's winning the election effect you if you don't live in the US?
  16. The Nerf guns? If so, the Maverick is EPIC WIN. The ones that fire the sticky darts tend to be better, in my opinion.
  17. Jinkmeister


    With Obama as president, I think you're right.
  18. Well, the reason the other nations will like us is because Obama will let them bomb us. The only reason that the other nations hate us is because we did so well, and we thrived as a free market and a capitalist nation. With Obama as president, those will change. Trust me, if you make over $150,000 a year, then your life will be miserable within the first year. For that reason, my uncle believes only a second Revolution will change this. I believe him. We're going to have to retake our nation from the liberals just like we did the British.
  19. I know, he's the greatest thing since talk radio and Bionicle! Well, all the Matoran and Toa left Mata-Nui, and then the Bohrok devastated it, so when Mata-Nui rose, the island of Mata-Nui was a barren wasteland.
  20. Obama will not do anything a politcally educated person would like. He wants to bankrupt coal plants, raise taxes for the middle class, push the unfair Fairness Doctrine through, and many other equally horrible things. My parents said we are very likely to move to Alaska, since my dad thinks they would be the first to secede from the Union.
  21. No, no, it wasn't just you. All one really heard is how McCain's smearing Obama. Aside from that, it's just been a lovefest that's been really quite awkward to behold. No candidate in the history of voting ever got... eh, whatever you'd call what went on. He was handed to people on a dish, while the waiter was telling you the appetizer you ordered had spoiled. Bill forthcoming. Tip mandatory. Well, even the talk radio hosts admit that McCain has possibly the most pathetic campaign ever.
  22. Did you guys notice how, in the 2000 election, the Democrats screamed for recount afte recount, but in this election, they didn't demand one recount?
  23. Jinkmeister

    Obama Won!

    Yeah, I agree. But how did Palin ruin the win for McCain? I think Palin was the best choice for VP McCain could have made.
  24. WHERE YOU GONNA SAY SOMETHING NAUGHTY TO ME >=( No, I was just asking you why you needed approvels so much.
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