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Everything posted by Jinkmeister

  1. Nevermind, I didn't see the thing at the bottom. XP
  2. THIS IS ROMEEEEE!!! I couldn't resist.
  3. Jinkmeister

    Not Voting

    ACORN could register you. Illegally, that is.
  4. Oh, everyone here is mad. We just have different ways of showing it. =P

  5. 4 for me. You voted for McCain, I hope.
  6. Jinkmeister


    Yay, fellow McCain/Palin-ers! I hope they win, even with what ACORN's doing. For those who don't know, they're registering dead people and children and homeless people to vote. Multiple times. *Shivers in fright* If Obama wins, my parents said we're moving to Alaska.
  7. Meh. [/owned] Wish I could vote. Jeez, what is it about Marxism that's so attractive to people!? I wish I could vote, too. If I could, who knows, it may be me who would help McCain win!
  8. Hopefully it's McCain you vote for! Sorry, submitted my absentee ballot for Obama. -Mike
  9. She's a lavasurfing Bionicle-bat. =P

  10. Yeah, it is. The seconds next, and the first is least good, but still funny! And I'll rate your blog, just like you asked me!
  11. Meh, be glad I didn't go with what I thought and posted 48. =P

  12. Well, if your buddy Freeze gets through with his plan, we won't need clocks.
  13. Palin FTW! I terrorized a craft fair and a pizza shop in the same costume. XP
  14. Jinkmeister


    Um...Akaku? Kopaka's mask?
  15. I'm on Vista, too. I never click on those. There's always a catch.
  16. Probably Lavasurfing. With SZ and Laughin' Man.

  17. Quiet you. Minds December 19th and BZP is either shut down or my computer is going haywire each year so forget me ever having a b-day topic! ~AA I joined on December 19th!
  18. Don't listen to her, SPP, she's 45. =P

  19. Well, it's for everyones benefit. My guess is that it's so that staffies won't go around constantly changing their names and confusing everybody. Am I right? Also strangely, Omicron seems to have had quite a colourful namechange history, seemingly not involving any pranks. Odd. He's Omicron, he's above the rules.
  20. I terrorized Somerset New Jersey in a Scream costume.
  21. Jinkmeister

    Name Change

    -SZ- ~LM Oh, oh, I love this game! Is it a book-NO NO, wait! A movie!
  22. I have one. It is not as fun as it looks. Amen to that. << >> I have 6. It's a nighmare. >.<
  23. Jinkmeister

    Name Change

    Nothing you would know about, seeing as you're only the #1 Lavasurfer. Wait... Batgirl lavasurfs? Only when she's in a Turakii-y mood.
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