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Everything posted by Jinkmeister

  1. Jinkmeister

    Name Change

    Nothing you would know about, seeing as you're only the #1 Lavasurfer.
  2. Are people with butchers knives in their heads allowed to have spaghetti? *Yanks once more at the knife* =P

  3. While you're adding people, my word count is 2145. Thanks! =)

  4. Well, it's for everyones benefit. My guess is that it's so that staffies won't go around constantly changing their names and confusing everybody. Am I right?
  5. MAAAAGIC =D Through Black Six or another Admin, correct? - Yes, because they're magicians.
  6. I have no idea what kind of moron would call themselves that, I would. BtB I rest my case.
  7. *Sings along with Turakii*

  8. I have no idea what kind of moron would call themselves that, but I'm sure B6 would change a staffies name if it were that. On Topic: This is reason #2 I don't want to be a staffie, first being that there's a lot of work, and I tend to be a bit lazy at times.
  9. If I go crazy then will you still call me Superman?

    If I'm alive and well will you be there a'holdin my hand?

    I'll keep you by my side with my superhuman might. Kryptonite.

    Sound familiar? =P

  10. *Just noticed that Turakii's fake Users Viewing block is outdated because of the Batman name changes* 0.o
  11. No, a girl I know in real life. =P

  12. DVD's are plotting to destroy us! Quickly, Batman, Robin, Batgirl, TO THE BATCAVE! *Proceeds to huddle in corner while the three mentioned above do whatever it is they do*

    But I do like the C4 part. =)

  13. *Is wearing knife-in-head hat and waiting patiently for new comics*

  14. Jinkmeister

    Iron Man

    And remember, they said that if Iron Man did better than Spider-Man in the box office, they would make a sequal. It flew so high over Spider-Man that a sequel is iminent.
  15. Uh-oh. Gender-bender is back. -.-

  16. 0.o The girl in your personal pic looks like a girl I know...

  17. B'SGETTI!!! 8D (As my little sister would say) =P


  19. Worse. *whimper part II* =P Wow. Now I REALLY don't want to be staff. XP

  20. 0.o ... Poor Batman and Robin. Can I sign their casts? Also, who is Cassandra? Is Batgirl revealing her true name and condeming herself to much torture and pain? (Oh, and her head is rather large. She must be smart. XP )
  21. Name change...*whimper* ='(

  22. *Gasp* *Whimper* No more Turakii. :'( I guess Laughin' Man is Batman now. *Glomps Bat-girl*
  23. *Winces, looks in both directions, and smiles guiltily* Um...sorry? =P

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