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Everything posted by Jinkmeister

  1. He's right. After a couple monthes, you'll find you just don't look right without them. And believe it or not, I sometimes forget I'm wearing them, and have to feel my face jsut to make sure I did remember them.
  2. *Rescues Turakii, and, instead of returning her to Laughin'Waffleman, Wind-Rider and I proceed to glomp her and never let go*

  3. Waffle is now a Laughin' Waffleman! XD

  4. If butter and syrup isn't makeup, I guess Waffle isn't tough. =P Am I correct, Turakii?

  5. Turakii's not a tough guy, so she doesn't wear makeup. XD

  6. @Tahu1: That actually made it onto her quotes list in her blog. I've been trying forever to get there! XD

  7. Jinkmeister

    Oh, Holy Snot.

    I could probably watch that a million times before it got boring.
  8. I wonder if Turakii will ever be interested in boys instead of crabmen warlords, anime characters, vegetables, and breakfast food? =P

  9. Jinkmeister


    NO I've probably just forgotten everything and Sixxeh will go 'Well, you're dumb and I hate you, and now you're banned!!'. No, B6 wouldn't do that, he's cool. Just ask "Did I get a post increase", and he will answer you.
  10. *Nulls mind trick, and drags Wind-Rider in to get pizza by her hair* Hope it's pepperoni! :D

  11. *Glomps Turakii, re-locks house so that only I, WRoLK, Turakii, and Waffle may get in or out, and Wind-Rider and I fight all who try to get to them.*

  12. *Un-hypontizes her, shoves her back in, locks the doors from the outside, eats the key, and WRoLK and I proceed to take out swords and guard it* Ha!

  13. 'Cuz it's fun. =P *Gets all Jack Bauery and locks everyone back up, and lives happily next door to Turakii and Waffle with Wind-Rider of Le-Koro.*

  14. I had a newb add me to his friends list. Hey, I'm one of your buddies, Phovos, does that make me a newbie?
  15. Hey, maybe we should make this a game in the games forum! What do you think, Turakii?

  16. I think Waffle and I are the only ones on Turakii's side. =P *Runs through safe wall with Kakama, runs out with Turakii, puts her in the Dalek-proof house, runs back, puts Tahu1 and Dalek into the safe, eats the key, and it is melted by digestive fluids.* Turakii and Waffle lived happily ever after, raised 2000 kids, and I became a Marine. XD

  17. *Steals box, throws in volcano for safe keeping, cuts open Dalek's stomach, retrieves Turakii, and reunites her with her husband.*

  18. Who says I have a crush on him? I'm just married to him. Turakii Well, something tells me marrige between people who don't even have a crush on each other end well. Besides, weren't you married to Larryboy, then Carapar, and then that Elric dude? Remember, you're married to all of them in that one story from my blog.
  19. I think the newbs are smarter then most of us veterans. Trust me, other than much better typing, I have become 37 percent insane.
  20. 0.o ...Um...Turakii, you're scaring me. I think I need a hug...*Curls up in fetal position in the corner and waits for someone (hopefully Wind-Rider of Le-Koro) to hug me*...<.< >.> What? You aren't the only one with a crush on someone you met online.
  21. I don't care. Check out Turakii's profile if you want to see lengthyness.

  22. Entry 3...hey wait, that guy stole my name and my pics! No, seriously, I vote me.
  23. Yeah, that's REAL smart. They must be addition-subtraction challenged, or something.
  24. As with War for BZPower 2, I'm procrastinating on that, but I think I'll just have all two of the contestents win.

  25. It may be a little late, but I believe this song may be appropriate: We are the pirates that don't do anything! We just stay at home and lie around! And if you ask us to do anything, we'll just tell you: We don't do anything! Sound familiar?
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