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Blog Entries posted by Viran

  1. Viran
    I GOT A BLOG, I GOT A BLOG! YOU DON'T, AND I DO!...oh, wait everyone has a blog....because...IT'S BZP'S BIRTHDAY!!! 6 YEARS!!! YEAH!!!
    ....sorry, got a little....out of control there *everyone stares at him*
    Fun fact:I was 6 when I got my first bionicles...

  2. Viran
    I was building mocs today, and I made a really good arm design and I liked it alot. So when I went to brickshelf to get an idea for the legs, I saw a guy with instructions for THE EXACT SAME ARM DESIGN I MADE. Not one difference. I got really freaked out buy that...
  3. Viran
    Well i'm back to BZpower. I left bionicle and went strictly to system, and now with that experince, I can build with both system and bionicle in one moc. I may post some mocs later...
    Oh, and I almost forgot...
  4. Viran
    Well.I changed my username. First, I was metru nui king 9. Then, I was ~The Shadow Within~.But now, you will all know me as...TOA VIRAN!!!
    Awesome,Isn't it?

  5. Viran
    Ok, I'm kinda bored, so I'll blog about stuff...
    1) I'm working on a ehlek moc, and I'm now doing a PBZP line, so I'm busy with mocing right now.
    2) A few days ago, I got the lego magazine(sp?) and I might be able to order something out of it, mabye one of the mahri...
    3) I'm started to read my harry potter books, since they have been sitting in my room for ages now ( ) and i'm only on the first book...
    So yeah. That's my boring life in a nutshell. Bye.

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