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Roa McToa

Premier Retired Staff
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Year 18


About Roa McToa

  • Birthday 09/15/1981

Profile Information

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  • Location
    Seward, Alaska
  • Interests
    I have been building Bionicle since 2005. I first found an interest in building via making stop-motion clips with a box of Bionicle sets found at a yard sale for $20. I learned to build bigger and better creations looking through brickshelf, then I found and joined BZPower. Being able to talk with members of the community and see everyones builds was an inspiration to me. Competing in BBCC's improved my skills as a builder and helped me do what I do today. Thank you BZPower!

    Lego aside,

    I am an artist and can draw, paint, sculpt, carve and much more. It is a great relaxation to whip out a great painting of a boat, or work the hours to carve a violin from scratch. I am also a musician, and have played the Viola since I was twelve. I made the instrument I play, and have made two other violins.

    I work at a marine hardware store, and am going to learn how to do fiberglass work on boats. I also plan to tender salmon during the summers with my friend on his power scow that were restoring. Life is good

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  1. You make really great mocs, so keep it up!

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